Movie | The Train Went on and on | 2005-06-08 | |
Movie | Ghosts of the Past | 1996-03-30 | |
Movie | White FLags | 1990-01-01 | |
Movie | The Fastest People in the World | Romanoz | 1985-12-29 |
Movie | Everyone Needs Love | Head of kolkhoz | 1980-11-02 |
Movie | Wedding Imeretian Style | 1979-01-01 | |
Movie | Butterfly | 1977-06-01 | |
Movie | Lemon Cake | 1977-08-01 | |
Movie | Thermometer | 1976-08-01 | |
Movie | The Wishing Tree | Padlaura | 1976-12-19 |
Movie | У самого Чёрного моря | 1975-01-01 | |
Movie | Wine Thieves | Piruza | 1975-03-01 |
Movie | Spring On A Roadside | Shasho | 1975-05-19 |
Movie | Farewell, Inesa! | 1974-08-19 | |
Movie | The Light of Autumn | Platon | 1973-10-01 |
Movie | Hello Neighbor! | Glava semeystva | 1973-10-05 |
Movie | Kvevri | 1971-02-01 | |
Movie | General Rakhimov | 1967-02-19 | |
Movie | Falling Leaves | Bondo's friend | 1966-01-16 |
Movie | Londre | Londre | 1966-12-29 |