Image of Dorka Gryllus

Dorka Gryllus

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Dorka Gryllus. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Dec 26, 1972 In Budapest, Hungary
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie A hentes, a kurva és a félszemü
Latest Project:
Movie Budapest Diaries 2026
Known For
Poster of The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner
Poster of Nosedive
Poster of The District
Poster of Gypsy Lore
Movie A hentes, a kurva és a félszemü Mici 2026
Movie Budapest Diaries Ms. Madarasz 2026
Movie Mariana's Room Anna's Mother 2025-04-23
Movie I Accidentally Wrote a Book Seamstress 2 2025-01-30
Movie The Investigation Zeugin 14 2024-07-25
Movie Steirerschuld Dragana Babic 2023-09-19
Movie Wet Dog Mutter 2021-09-09
Series Apatigris Kurucz Dorka 2020-04-05
Movie Zuniverzum Alíz 2020-11-01
Movie Agapé 2020-09-11
Series Stir the Pot Éva 2019-03-25
Series Baptiste Zsófia Arslan 2019-02-17
Movie Sesamstraße präsentiert: Alarm im Zirkus Olga 2018-06-01
Movie The Butcher, The Whore and the One-Eyed Man Mária 2018-01-25
Series Honey Girls Zsófia 2017-04-23
Movie Emma nach Mitternacht - Frau Hölle Elisabeta 2016-06-08
Movie Demimonde Rózsi 2015-12-30
Movie Der Metzger und der Tote im Haifischbecken Danjela Djurkovic 2015-02-12
Movie En passant Mother 2015-07-01
Movie Der Metzger muß nachsitzen Danjela Djurkovic 2015-02-19
Movie Die Kleinen und die Bösen Anabell 2015-09-03
Movie Unleashed Márta 2015-09-10
Movie The Weather Inside Salma 2015-09-29
Movie Puppet Fiction Svetlana 2013-09-05
Movie Das Geheimnis in Siebenbürgen 2012-05-14
Series Schicksalsjahre Norah Kellermann 2011-02-13
Movie Igazából apa Éva 2010-02-14
Movie The Cameramurderer Sonja 2010-03-26
Movie Golm Maria 2010-06-29
Movie Soul Kitchen Anna Mondstein 2009-09-09
Movie The Bone Man Valeria 2009-02-09
Movie Where Were You, My Son? Fehér Eszter 2008-02-21
Movie The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner Maria 2008-03-14
Movie Braams - Kein Mord ohne Leiche Maja Thomas 2008-09-29
Series Hamburg Dockland Ilona Herwig 2007-01-04
Movie Nosedive Melinda 2007-05-17
Movie Mein alter Freund Fritz Cora Sanders 2007-11-10
Movie Irina Palm Luisa 2007-02-13
Movie Day of Wrath Graciela Cabral 2006-06-27
Series Der Kriminalist Ama Golestaneh 2006-12-08
Movie Zeit der Wünsche Esra 2005-01-12
Movie Dallas Pashamende Oana 2005-02-02
Movie The Real Santa Felszolgáló 2005-12-01
Movie Das Schwalbennest Nadjeshda 2004-07-30
Movie The District Mari (voice) 2004-12-09
Movie Útek do Budína Helena 2002-11-07
Movie Kollaps Alisha Baran 2002-10-02
Movie Gloomy Sunday Fräulein Mendel 1999-10-21
Movie Gypsy Lore Rostás Juli 1997-01-01
Movie School of Senses Csokonai Lili 1996-01-07
Movie The Conquest Hajnal 1996-12-12
Movie Bitches Judit 1995-01-01
Series Scene of the Crime Maria Drenkow 1970-11-29