Image of Oleg Chudnitsov

Oleg Chudnitsov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Oleg Chudnitsov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jul 7, 1965 In Podolsk, Moskovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Мама
Latest Project:
Series Spy 2023-03-27
Known For
Poster of The Territory
Poster of Амулет
Poster of The Ghost
Poster of Features of the Russian Bath
Movie Мама 2026
Series Spy Адвокат 2023-03-27
Movie Onlyhuman 2022-07-14
Movie Chronos 2022-07-21
Series The Territory Veterinar 2019-10-28
Movie Tankers Armen 2018-10-25
Movie Nick: Off Duty Polizist 2016-02-04
Movie Амулет 2013-10-06
Series Знахарь 2: Охота без правил 2011-08-29
Movie The Ghost Vadim 2008-11-13
Movie Revenge 2007-10-18
Movie Features of the Russian Bath 1999-09-27