Image of Vladimir Matveev

Vladimir Matveev

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Jan 26, 1952 In село Сладково, Тюменская область, СССР
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Last Road 1986-09-26
Latest Project:
Series MosGaz. Delo N9: Poslednee delo Cherkasova 2023-04-27
Known For
Series MosGaz. Delo N9: Poslednee delo Cherkasova 2023-04-27
Series Chernobyl 2022-03-30
Movie Bender. The Beginning Captain of the ship 2021-06-24
Movie Ostap Bender: The Final Hustle 2021-11-05
Series Знахарь 2019-09-23
Movie The Last Six Degrees of Celebration 2018-12-27
Movie Salyut-7 general 2017-09-22
Movie Six Degrees of Celebration 6 2017-12-21
Movie Six Degrees of Celebration 5 2016-12-22
Series Leningrad 46 Sergey Sivtsov 2015-03-23
Series Черная река Яков Александрович архивариус 2015-05-18
Series Catherine the Great Степан Фёдорович Апраксин, генерал-фельдмаршал 2015-11-04
Movie The Admirer цензор Зверев 2012-01-24
Series Zeta Group Vasyukov 2007-03-19
Series Винтовая лестница Павел Стаценко 2005-04-12
Movie Не делайте бисквиты в плохом настроении 2002-01-01
Movie The Cuckoo episode 2002-01-01
Series The Keepers Sem Skrombi 1991-04-13
Movie Braking in the Heavens air traffic controller 1990-07-17
Movie The Oddballs of Saint-Michel 1989-10-26
Movie The Last Road 1986-09-26