Image of Emily Kusche

Emily Kusche

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Jan 15, 2002 In Berlin, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Maria Mutter Gottes
Latest Project:
Series Doppelganger. The Double 2024-07-05
Known For
Poster of Balloon
Poster of Don't. Get. Out!
Poster of Tiger Milk
Poster of The Little Ghost
Movie Maria Mutter Gottes Marie 2026
Series Doppelganger. The Double Nina Steiner 2024-07-05
Movie Retribution Mila 2023-08-23
Movie Cortex Emily 2020-10-22
Movie The Perfect Secret Sophie 2019-10-31
Movie Balloon Klara Baumann 2018-09-27
Movie Don't. Get. Out! Josefine Brendt 2018-04-12
Movie Tiger Milk Jameelah 2017-08-17
Movie The Little Ghost Marie 2013-09-26