Image of Leonid Timtsunik

Leonid Timtsunik

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Leonid Timtsunik. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 2, 1953 In Джанкой, Крымская область, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Day for Two 1986-01-19
Latest Project:
Series The No Man Zone 2022-04-28
Known For
Poster of Chief
Series The No Man Zone Арнольд 2022-04-28
Movie Coma Cable 2020-01-01
Movie All or Nothing 2018-11-29
Movie Жили-были мы 2017-04-27
Movie Chief Яковлев 2015-10-08
Movie Full Transformation 2015-05-19
Movie Dog's Paradise 2013-06-15
Movie О нём Leopold 2012-04-08
Movie Moscow, I Love You! опытный высотник 2010-09-02
Movie Грозное время Kurbskiy's messenger 2010-07-01
Movie Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor 2008-04-17
Movie Guest performer 2007-11-17
Movie Подкидной полковник Красихин 2005-01-01
Series КГБ в смокинге 2005-01-01
Movie I Planned to Escape 2004-05-19
Movie A Key to the Bedroom 2003-04-18
Movie Metamorphosis хозяин магазина 2003-01-01
Series I Planned to Escape 2003-10-21
Movie Tycoon 2002-06-06
Movie The Career of Arturo Ui 1996-06-07
Movie Президент и его женщина 1996-12-01
Movie Burial of the Rats Verlaine 1995-08-08
Movie Благотворительный бал 1993-06-12
Movie Running On The Sunny Side 1992-01-01
Movie Old Young People 1992-06-01
Movie Bukharin: Enemy of the People 1991-01-01
Movie Mother of Jesus 1991-07-10
Movie Lost in Siberia вор Чилита 1991-04-08
Movie Entrance to Labyrinth Patient 1990-05-01
Movie Dina 1990-01-04
Movie Lessons at the End of Spring Bald Man 1990-07-18
Movie Comedy of Lysistrata 1989-06-09
Movie Lucky 1987-06-17
Movie Day for Two Козин 1986-01-19
Movie Exceptions Without Rules (Isklyuchenie 3: «Golos») 1986-05-03