Image of Anatoli Shvedersky

Anatoli Shvedersky

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May 6, 1924
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Intervention 1968-06-06
Latest Project:
Movie The Golden Mean 2010-06-10
Known For
Poster of The Golden Mean
Poster of Moloch
Poster of Night of the Sinners
Poster of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
Movie The Golden Mean масон 2010-06-10
Movie Russian Ark Marshall 2002-05-22
Movie Khrustalyov, My Car! doctor / witness 1999-01-13
Movie Moloch Priest 1999-02-01
Movie Прохиндиада 2 1994-01-02
Movie Sin: A Story of Passion 1993-06-06
Movie Window to Paris 1993-10-01
Movie Night of the Sinners 1991-01-01
Movie My Friend Ivan Lapshin 1985-01-03
Series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson карточный игрок 1980-03-22
Movie Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian Erich von Manstein 1975-11-17
Movie The Night at 14th Parallel 1972-03-20
Movie Intervention полковник Несвицкий 1968-06-06