Image of Zsolt Kovács

Zsolt Kovács

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Zsolt Kovács. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Látogató a végtelenből 1989-12-26
Latest Project:
Movie Tonight We Kill 2024-10-31
Known For
Poster of Well
Poster of For Some Inexplicable Reason
Poster of Prank
Poster of Happy New Life
Movie Tonight We Kill 2024-10-31
Movie Genesis Adwokat 2018-04-12
Movie Bad Poems Apa 2018-12-27
Movie Well István 2016-09-22
Movie For Some Inexplicable Reason Szentesi Endre 2014-07-10
Movie My Guide Férj 2013-11-10
Movie Világjobbítók Kriston Géza 2011-04-11
Movie Prank 2009-09-30
Movie Happy New Life 2007-02-01
Movie Premier 2006-02-14
Movie Csaó, Bambínó! Apa 2005-01-01
Movie Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse Zsolt 2001-02-15
Movie Moscow Square Tanár Úr 2001-09-20
Movie Damn You! the Mosquitoes Zsolti 2000-02-10
Movie The Lord's Lantern in Budapest Zsolti 1999-01-28
Movie Visszatérés (Kicsi, de nagyon erős 2.) 1999-02-18
Movie Látogató a végtelenből Dem 1989-12-26