Image of Tatyana Rasskazova

Tatyana Rasskazova

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tatyana Rasskazova. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jun 9, 1958 In Ventspils, Latvia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Doctor Martov
Latest Project:
Movie Pirates of the Barracuda Galaxy 2024-08-22
Known For
Poster of Saving Legacy
Poster of Река памяти
Poster of There Lived a Doctor
Poster of Doctor Martov
Series Doctor Martov Дарья Михайловна 2026
Movie Pirates of the Barracuda Galaxy Пират теней 2024-08-22
Series With Surgical Precision 2021-09-27
Movie Saving Legacy 2021-10-21
Movie Family Budget Светлана Анатольевна 2021-11-03
Movie Котов обижать не рекомендуется 2018-10-19
Movie Arrhythmia 2017-10-12
Movie Thawed Carp Фаина Павловна (директор дома престарелых) 2017-11-07
Movie Река памяти Наталья 2016-02-04
Series Pregnancy Test 2015-01-26
Series Concerned свекровь Кати Элла Владиславовна 2015-11-09
Series Спутники 2015-09-09
Movie Land of Oblivion Anya's mother 2012-03-28
Movie Месть без права передачи 2011-02-06
Movie Buratino, Son of Pinocchio Kossorotova 2009-03-12
Movie Пробуждение 2007-05-28
Movie Shura & Prosvirnjak 1988-05-01
Movie There Lived a Doctor 1984-01-01