Image of Antonina Bogdanova

Antonina Bogdanova

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Lesson of Life 1955-09-26
Latest Project:
Movie The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin 1987-02-01
Known For
Poster of On the Count's Ruins
Poster of The Tight Knot
Poster of The Cranes Are Flying
Poster of The Lesson of Life
Movie The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin Viktor's grandmother 1987-02-01
Movie A Strange Woman Maty 1978-09-11
Movie Looking for a Man Liza, Galia's mother 1973-06-10
Movie Ivan's Launch Авдотья Кузьминична (жена Игната) 1972-06-06
Movie Lena Kostenetskaya 1969-05-01
Movie The Chairman Praskovya Sergeevna 1964-12-28
Movie Грешница tetya Dunya - maty Alekseya 1962-11-15
Movie On the Count's Ruins 1958-03-24
Movie The Cranes Are Flying Varvara Kapitanova, Boris and Irina's Grandmother 1957-10-12
Movie The Tight Knot wife Gmyzina 1957-10-21
Movie The Immortal Garrison 1956-01-21
Movie The Lesson of Life 1955-09-26
Movie Unfinished Story aunt Polya 1955-10-17