Image of Mucsi Zoltán

Mucsi Zoltán

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Mucsi Zoltán. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Sep 8, 1957 In Abony, Pest, Hungary
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Little But Tough 1989-01-01
Latest Project:
Movie Budapest Noir 2017-11-02
Known For
Series Tóth János Tóth János 2017-03-09
Movie Jupiter's Moon Waiter 2017-11-01
Movie Budapest Noir Vogel 2017-11-02
Movie Kills on Wheels Rupaszov cellapartnere 2016-04-28
Series Work Matters János 2012-03-18
Movie Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Magyar 2011-09-16
Movie So Much for Justice! Old Vlad / Long Man 2010-02-11
Movie Szuperbojz Róka 2010-10-29
Movie Paper Dogs Kuplung 2009-02-19
Movie 1 Phil Pitch 2009-11-05
Movie Tabló Zafír 2008-09-18
Movie Buhera mátrix Vizes 2007-03-29
Movie BLACKland 2006-01-01
Movie Egy bolond százat csinál Kuplung 2006-09-28
Movie Ed's Eaten Elevenses Kapa 2006-10-12
Movie Egy szoknya, egy nadrág Kapa 2005-10-20
Movie The Battle of Mohács Kapa 2004-02-26
Movie Argo Sofőr 2004-09-16
Movie Montecarlo! Makkosi Róbert 2004-03-18
Movie Wake Up, Mate, Don't You Sleep Kapa 2003-02-06
Movie Kontroll Professor 2003-11-20
Movie Nexxt Little Alex 2001-02-01
Movie Last Supper at the Arabian Gray Horse Kapa 2001-02-15
Movie Damn You! the Mosquitoes Kapa 2000-02-10
Movie The Lord's Lantern in Budapest Kapa 1999-01-28
Movie Sweet Emma, Dear Böbe Szilárd, the art teacher 1992-03-20
Movie Junk Movie Kapa 1992-12-11
Movie Little But Tough Juszuf 1989-01-01