Image of Andrey Podoshian

Andrey Podoshian

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Andrey Podoshian. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Princess and the Pea 1976-11-01
Latest Project:
Movie Men's Women's Game 2011-05-26
Known For
Poster of Cold Sun
Poster of Joy in Moscow
Poster of A Secret Walk in the Woods
Poster of The Princess and the Pea
Movie Men's Women's Game 2011-05-26
Movie Cold Sun Rerberg 2008-07-10
Movie Chayka 2005-06-06
Movie Удар Лотоса 3: Загадка Сфинкса 2003-01-01
Movie In Motion 2002-10-09
Movie Lyube Zone 1994-06-29
Movie Joy in Moscow Willie 1992-01-14
Movie Drums of Fire 1990-12-21
Movie Cyrano de Bergerac Кристиан де Невильет - гвардеец 1989-10-01
Movie Jackals 1989-05-22
Movie Jackal's Trap 1986-06-01
Movie The Barman from 'Golden Anchor' Альварес Нуньо 1986-08-25
Movie Lermontov 1986-11-01
Movie A Secret Walk in the Woods Артём Чапарьян («Чапа»), разведчик, рядовой Красной армии (озвучивает Алексей Золотницкий) 1985-07-26
Movie The Princess and the Pea Prince 1976-11-01