Image of Gali Abaydulov

Gali Abaydulov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Gali Abaydulov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 15, 1953 In Leningrad, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Seven Beauties 1982-09-10
Latest Project:
Movie Rasputin 2011-12-30
Known For
Movie Rasputin 2011-12-30
Movie Shakespeare Could Never Imagine 2007-06-06
Movie Танцуют все! 2006-02-26
Movie Pushkin: The Last Duel 2006-12-01
Movie Mars 2004-11-11
Movie Не делайте бисквиты в плохом настроении 2002-01-01
Movie Russian Special Forces пленный боевик 2002-01-01
Movie Russian Ark 2002-05-22
Movie The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter Japanese ambassador 2002-06-06
Series Sancho From the Ranch Дон Рогуль 1997-02-12
Movie Not Yet a Time for Sorrow passenger 1995-04-20
Movie Beautiful stranger 1993-10-14
Series Проклятие Дюран 1993-02-02
Movie Bloodsuckers 1991-01-01
Movie Memories of the "Cow March" Tantsor 1991-04-02
Movie Jokes Patsient 1990-08-05
Movie Was There Karotin? 1990-05-25
Movie These... Three True Cards... 1989-01-01
Movie Cyrano de Bergerac директор театра - конферансье 1989-10-01
Movie Dangerous Man бюрократ Овсянников 1988-03-04
Movie Presumption of Innocence rabotnik rezhissyorskoy gruppy na kontsrte 1988-12-25
Movie Chapliniana 1987-01-01
Movie Jack Vosmyorkin, American tantsor 1986-12-20
Movie To Cross the Line 1985-06-01
Movie Perikola 1984-12-31
Movie Mary Poppins, Goodbye sire Ludovic 1983-06-06
Movie Seven Beauties Vezir 1982-09-10