Image of Michael Janibekyan

Michael Janibekyan

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Sep 12, 1973 In Yerevan, USSR (Armenia)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Kite Day 1986-04-02
Latest Project:
Movie War and Music 2025-02-06
Known For
Poster of T-34
Poster of Unforgiven
Poster of The Kite Day
Movie War and Music 2025-02-06
Series СССР 2023-05-25
Movie Doctor Whistle 2022-03-17
Series Начальник разведки Владимир Харитонович руководитель ШОН 2022-04-18
Movie A Dog Named Palma 2021-03-18
Series The Fortress in Badaber 2018-02-01
Movie Unforgiven 2018-09-27
Movie Brass Sun Амирханян, командир части, полковник 2018-11-26
Movie Ferry Number Seven 2018-12-06
Movie T-34 2018-12-27
Movie The Kitchen: World Chef Battle 2017-04-27
Movie Buy Me Syren 2017-06-23
Series Shuttles 2016-10-03
Series Second Sight 2016-11-29
Movie The Earthquake Misha 2016-12-01
Movie The One Gevorkyan 2015-06-11
Movie Побег из Москвабада 2015-08-08
Movie Dark World: Equilibrium 2013-12-05
Series ЧС. Чрезвычайная ситуация Artem Grigoryan 2012-08-21
Movie Pavlov's Dog 2005-12-01
Movie Happy New Year, Daddy! Ded Moroz 2004-12-12
Movie Déjà vu 1990-07-01
Movie How's Home, How's Everything? Mika 1987-05-28
Movie The Kite Day Armen 1986-04-02