Image of Viktor Fokin

Viktor Fokin

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Jul 14, 1949 In Днепропетровск, СССР (Украина)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Executive 1974-07-22
Latest Project:
Movie Chief 2015-10-08
Known For
Poster of Chief
Poster of Invasion
Poster of The Troubled Month of Veresen
Poster of The Executive
Movie Chief Пилюгин 2015-10-08
Movie The Right People заикающийся строитель 1986-12-30
Movie In the Forests Near Kovel Vsevolod Klokov 1984-02-02
Movie Double Passing Vasiliy 1984-11-05
Movie Death At the Take Off 1983-02-14
Movie This Scoundrel Sidorov papa Sidorova 1983-12-01
Movie Nice to Live Not Forbid Сергей Бодров 1982-01-06
Movie Invasion Pavel Glazkov 1980-02-06
Movie The Troubled Month of Veresen 1977-01-24
Movie The Executive 1974-07-22