Image of Irina Kupchenko

Irina Kupchenko

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Irina Kupchenko. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 1, 1948 In Vienna, Austria
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Pier
Latest Project:
Movie Everyone Dreams of a Dog 2024-05-16
Known For
Poster of The Three and the Snowflake
Poster of Dancing Ghosts
Poster of Another Life
Poster of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
Movie Pier Филумена Мартурано 2026
Movie Последний побег 2026
Movie Everyone Dreams of a Dog Взрослая Тошка 2024-05-16
Movie Patient No. 1 Mat Sashi 2023-10-06
Movie French Master 2022-09-22
Movie The Wizard Luiza Vasilyevna 2019-10-03
Movie The Victory Will Be My Gift To You! 2019-04-23
Movie The Last Trial Alla Nikolaevna 2018-08-17
Movie The Teacher Alla Nikolaevna 2015-11-13
Movie Yankovsky 2015-02-19
Movie The Last Moons мать 2014-12-17
Movie A Pair of Bay Lidiya Petrovna 2010-06-06
Movie Yulenka Tamara Iosifovna 2009-02-19
Movie Practical Joke Maria Vasilyevna 2008-05-22
Movie The Three and the Snowflake 2007-11-08
Movie Kuka Lena's mother 2007-11-29
Movie The Night Is Bright Zinaida Antonovna 2004-10-26
Movie Spasibo 2003-06-06
Movie Bless the Woman Анна 2003-09-04
Movie Moscow Suburbs Elegy Елена, дочь Черкасского 2002-12-31
Movie Poor Liza Liza's Mother 2000-01-01
Series Memories of Sherlock Holmes Beryl Stapleton 2000-04-03
Movie Come Look at Me Tatyana 2000-06-06
Movie Old Hags Anya 2000-03-03
Movie Listen If It's Raining... Жена Юрия Казакова 1999-11-20
Movie Summerfolk Марья Львовна 1995-10-20
Movie Romance, Russian Style 1994-07-10
Movie Budulai, Whom No-one Waits For 1994-05-02
Movie The Inner Circle Directress 1992-02-28
Movie Dancing Ghosts Igor's mother 1992-08-23
Movie The Waltz on the Petschora 1992-02-04
Movie Homo Novus Галина 1990-09-07
Series The Life of Klim Samgin Lady at the lawyer's reception 1988-03-28
Movie The Light Shines in the Darkness Марья Ивановна Сарынцева 1988-09-05
Movie Forgotten Tune for the Flute Елена Федоровна, жена Филимонова 1987-10-23
Movie Another Life Lilya 1987-02-16
Movie The Last Road 1986-09-26
Movie Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companion Клава Почукаева 1986-12-12
Movie Without Witness She 1983-07-12
Movie The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles Miss Beryl Stapleton 1981-07-25
Movie The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 2 Miss Beryl Stapleton 1981-07-26
Movie The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 1 Miss Beryl Stapleton 1981-07-25
Movie The Last Escape Mother 1980-03-20
Series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Beryl Stapleton 1980-03-22
Movie The Appointment 1980-05-31
Movie Journey to Another Town 1980-11-10
Movie September Vacation Galina 1979-01-01
Movie Siberiade Solomina 1979-11-28
Movie A Strange Woman Yevgeniya Mihaylovna 1978-09-11
Movie Ordinary Miracle Жена волшебника 1978-10-02
Movie The Turning Point Natasha Vedeneyeva 1978-04-09
Movie Other People's Letters Vera Ivanovna 1975-12-16
Movie The Captivating Star of Happiness Княгиня Трубецкая 1975-11-11
Movie Romance for Lovers Lyuda 1974-11-10
Movie Uncle Vanya Sofya Aleksandrovna Serebryakova 1970-10-01
Movie A Nest of Gentry Liza 1969-08-25