Image of Süleyman Demirel

Süleyman Demirel

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Demirkırat: The Goverment 1991-06-04
Latest Project:
Movie Years with Özal: January 24 2000-11-05
Known For
Poster of Years with Özal: January 24
Poster of 12 March: Memorandum
Poster of 12 March: Contumacy
Poster of 12 Mart:
Movie Years with Özal: January 24 Self 2000-11-05
Movie 12 September: The Massacres Begin 1998-11-02
Movie 12 September: "What Days Bring That Day..." Self 1998-10-26
Movie 12 September: On the Brink of the Abyss 1998-11-09
Movie 12 September: Clash of Colors Self 1998-10-12
Movie September 12: From Cyprus to Frontline Self 1998-10-19
Movie 12 September: Footsteps of Coup Self 1998-11-16
Movie 12 September: Balance Sheet for 12 September Self 1998-11-30
Movie 12 September: Back to Democracy 1998-12-07
Movie 12 September: Coup Diary 1998-11-23
Movie 12 Mart: "Demir-El" Self 1994-05-01
Movie 12 March: Raid Self 1994-04-24
Movie 12 Mart: "Sağ-Sol" Self 1994-05-08
Movie 12 March: Memorandum Self 1994-06-05
Movie 12 March: Rematch Self 1994-06-12
Movie 12 March: The Junta Self 1994-05-29
Movie 12 March: Contumacy Self 1994-05-15
Movie Demirkırat: The Goverment 1991-06-04