Image of Drew Hale

Drew Hale

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Drew Hale. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Snuff Queen
Latest Project:
Movie 8 Days to Hell 2022-02-12
Known For
Poster of 8 Days to Hell
Poster of Where She Lies
Poster of Tidy Tim's
Poster of Flushing Flesh
Movie Snuff Queen 2026
Movie 8 Days to Hell Jake Daniels 2022-02-12
Movie Tidy Tim's Max Bunger 2020-02-15
Movie Cut and Chop Tom 2020-07-21
Movie Where She Lies Robert Burroughs 2020-11-10
Movie Clown Bucky 2019-08-27
Movie Shadows on the Road Tucker 2018-06-15
Movie Snowbound Patrick 2017-05-20
Series Betrayed Scott Bowers 2016-08-24
Movie Flushing Flesh Sam 2014-10-14
Movie Gun Hoodlum / Intruder 2012-01-01