Image of Aleksandr Novikov

Aleksandr Novikov

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Sep 5, 2004
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Fate of a Man 1959-04-12
Latest Project:
Movie Знакомство родителей 2025-02-06
Known For
Poster of To the Sky for a Dream
Movie Знакомство родителей 2025-02-06
Movie Belyakovs Are on Vacation Andrey 2024-09-26
Movie Endless Winter Fyodor 2024-10-31
Series My Mom is a Spy 2023-03-13
Movie Puppeteer 2023-03-23
Series A Cool Change 2023-09-01
Movie The White List 2023-11-23
Movie Clemency 2023-05-04
Movie Sumo Kid 2021-04-26
Movie Подслушано 2021-05-31
Movie Mini Max Egor 2021-01-02
Movie Daddy Coded 2021-06-17
Series Overheard Yura 2021-05-31
Series Secrets of the Investigation. The Last Century Kurochkin - sotrudnik politseyskogo syska 2019-12-30
Movie To the Sky for a Dream 2017-10-26
Movie In the Autumn of the 41st Ваня 2016-10-27
Movie Gena-Concrete 2014-10-11
Movie The Good Soldier Shweik 2012-11-15
Movie Timur & His Commando$ Gavriil Puzyrev, "Bubble" 2004-01-21
Movie Special report, or Superman of the day дежурный милиционер 2002-01-01
Movie Instead of Me 2000-01-01
Series Memories of Sherlock Holmes Episodic role 2000-04-03
Series Secrecy of the investigation 2000-09-01
Movie Wedding Kisses Вася - жених 1998-08-17
Movie Without Justice 1993-03-15
Movie Сикимоку 1993-01-01
Movie Russian Ragtime Pokupatel 1993-06-07
Movie Black Square 1992-01-01
Movie Courier to the East Artur Terskiy 1991-09-07
Movie Perfect Crime Lepski - police sergeant 1990-05-21
Movie Entrance to Labyrinth Boris Chebakov 1990-05-01
Movie Muskal 1990-10-06
Movie Lava Bestużew 1989-11-06
Movie Name штрафник 1988-06-01
Movie Miss Millionersha 1988-06-06
Movie Gray Mouse Цыпылов 1988-10-12
Movie Team 33 сержант Моргун 1987-01-01
Movie Men's Worries 1986-05-06
Movie To Award (Posthumously) Лейтенант - погиб при попытке задержать бандитов 1986-06-06
Movie Attack starshiy leytenant Igor' Linov 1986-06-30
Movie Face to Face Евгений Ростопчин - сын 1986-08-02
Movie Likha Beda Nachalo Владимир Филиппович Скворцов - секретарь горкома ВЛКСМ 1985-06-06
Movie The Mystery of the Golden Mountain 1985-01-01
Movie The Spaceship of Aliens Kozlov 1985-06-06
Series TASS Is Authorized to Declare... сотрудник КГБ 1984-07-30
Movie Dead Souls Poruchik 1984-11-19
Movie Commander's Day Episodic role 1983-08-08
Movie It Was the Fourth Year of the War Nemets v mashine-pelengatore 1983-09-12
Movie Moon Rainbow Episodic role 1983-12-01
Movie Love You. Waiting. Lena Sergey Krutov 1983-10-24
Movie Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears Plasterer (uncredited) 1980-02-11
Movie Exploded Hell Мандрыкин 1967-07-10
Movie Fate of a Man Soviet Christian Prisoner of War 1959-04-12
Movie The Golden Echelon капитан 1959-11-04