Image of Antonio Dechent

Antonio Dechent

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Antonio Dechent. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 16, 1960 In Seville, Andalucía, Spain
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie La hija del capitán
Latest Project:
Movie Papers 2025-04-10
Known For
Movie La hija del capitán 2026
Movie Papers Jordi Shubbert 2025-04-10
Movie She's a Sensation 2023-08-10
Movie Ferocious Wolf Romero 2023-01-27
Movie El bucle de Latham 2022-03-01
Movie The Fall of Alejandra 2022-06-24
Movie Héroes de barrio 2022-06-24
Series Parot El Comisario 2021-05-28
Movie Undercover Wedding Crashers Abeledo 2021-06-24
Movie A Dead Man Cannot Live Tano 2021-06-29
Movie La caída de Alejandra 2021-12-10
Movie The Wedding Unplanner Arturo 2020-02-14
Movie The (Silent) War Colonel Balenciaga 2019-09-13
Movie The Japon 2019-06-28
Movie Mylove Lost Padre de Olivia 2018-12-14
Movie When You No Longer Love Me Camacho 2018-02-16
Movie Akemarropa 2018-01-01
Movie The Warning Héctor 2018-03-10
Movie Malviviendo: El Documental Himself 2018-11-24
Movie The Best Summer of My Life 2018-07-12
Series I Know Who You Are Ricardo Heredia 2017-01-16
Series Mambo Mánager 2017-10-30
Movie Gold Barbate 2017-11-10
Movie Lord, Give Me Patience Antonio 2017-06-16
Movie Boy Missing Requena 2016-08-19
Movie Diamantino 2016-03-03
Movie 13 Days of October Luis Orgaz 2015-09-10
Movie La Xirgu Periodista 2015-06-30
Movie Obra 67 Juan el Candela 2014-01-10
Movie Justi&Cia 2014-11-07
Movie El gran salto adelante 2014-03-13
Movie La última isla Alpidio 2013-05-17
Movie Orange Honey 2012-05-18
Movie The Cold Call Salva 2012-04-22
Movie The World is Ours Government delegate 2012-06-22
Movie The Sleeping Voice Examining Magistrate 2011-10-21
Movie Juan of the Dead Padre Jones 2011-10-14
Movie Among Wolves Sargento 2010-11-26
Movie Return to Hansala 2008-09-10
Series Malviviendo Don Luis 2008-11-24
Movie Clandestinos Fermín 2008-02-15
Movie Martes de Carnaval 2008-01-05
Movie Before the Fall Urbano 2008-04-25
Movie The Last of the Just Inspector Montero 2008-02-29
Series La familia Mata Arturo Mata 2007-09-17
Movie Listening Gabriel Carlos 2007-09-27
Movie Rough Winds Panrico 2006-03-24
Movie Captain Alatriste: The Spanish Musketeer Curro Garrote 2006-09-01
Movie The Borgia Michele Corella 2006-10-06
Movie The Baby's Room Fernández 2006-11-04
Movie Las locuras de don Quijote Ginés de Pasamonte 2006-10-03
Movie El examinador Eduardo 2005-05-23
Movie A King in Havana Chano 2005-05-27
Movie Manolito Espinberg: une vie de cinéma Self 2005-01-12
Movie El Calentito Sr. Matas 2005-06-24
Movie 7 Virgins Policía 2005-10-14
Movie El año que trafiqué con mujeres Juan 2005-10-30
Movie Lost Footprints Emilio 2004-01-01
Movie XXL César 2004-08-23
Movie Atún y chocolate El Cherif 2004-04-30
Movie Merry-Go-Round c. 1950 José Pedro Cervantes 2004-09-16
Movie Una pasión singular Comatas 2003-01-24
Movie Soraya Kalil Esfandiari Bakhtiari 2003-10-05
Movie Carmen Tuerto 2003-05-16
Movie El secreto del héroe 2003-05-22
Movie Computer assault Ramos 2002-01-04
Movie María la Portuguesa 2002-01-01
Movie Padre Coraje el inspector Baena 2002-04-11
Movie Smoking Room Enrique 2002-04-27
Movie Poniente Miguel 2002-09-13
Movie X Jefe 2002-06-14
Movie Everything in Place Responsable del Coro 2002-05-17
Movie Intact Alejandro 2001-11-06
Movie Luna's Game 2001-06-21
Movie Pídele cuentas al rey Camionero andaluz 2000-02-10
Movie I Come Primo Alejandro (as Antonio Pérez Dechent) 2000-10-04
Movie Fugitives 2000-10-06
Movie Fill Me with Life Facundo 2000-11-03
Movie Cascabel Tadeo 2000-12-10
Movie Pleno al quince Fernando 1999-10-03
Movie Alone Medico 1999-03-05
Movie The Color of the Clouds Conductor 1997-10-04
Movie La duquesa roja Sargento de la Guardia Civil 1997-07-17
Movie Freedomfighters Faneca 1996-04-19
Movie Zafarinas Brigada Teodoro 1995-04-20
Movie The Day of the Beast Toyota 3 1995-10-20
Movie Nobody Will Speak of Us When We're Dead Jefe almacén 1995-10-05
Movie The Sow Bartolomé de Torres 1992-11-06
Movie La cruz de Iberia Gallo 1990-01-01
Movie El Lute II: Tomorrow I'll Be Free Tomás 'El Flaco' 1988-04-20
Movie Matar al Nani 1988-04-22
Movie No hagas planes con Marga Fede 1988-10-10
Movie Las dos orillas Tomás 1987-01-01
Movie Lute: Forge On or Die Tomás 'El Flaco' 1987-09-19