Image of Boris Tokarev

Boris Tokarev

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Boris Tokarev. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 23, 1959 In Киселёво, Калужская область, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Grandpa and His Little Grandson 1950-06-05
Latest Project:
Movie Percentage 2017-02-07
Known For
Poster of Executor of the Sentence
Poster of The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Poster of Prince Igor
Poster of The Grandpa and His Little Grandson
Movie Percentage Nikolai 2017-02-07
Movie Chief Карпов 2015-10-08
Movie Wings 2012-08-08
Movie Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago 2010-10-14
Movie Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva генерал Артемьев 2007-07-01
Movie Президент и его женщина 1996-12-01
Movie Executor of the Sentence 1992-06-06
Movie Crazy Love 1992-10-01
Movie Goal at Spasskie Gate 1991-05-01
Movie The recruiter 1990-10-01
Movie Dune 1989-04-19
Movie Hope Michel 1988-11-30
Movie Enclosure 1988-03-19
Movie Гражданин убегающий 1988-06-19
Movie Night Crew 1987-06-02
Movie The Confrontation Vitalik 1986-11-24
Movie Расставания 1985-02-11
Movie The Last Inspection 1985-10-17
Movie Attention, All Posts! Sergey Leonidovich Voronov 1985-08-26
Movie You're Happy, Zhenka! 1984-10-29
Movie Трое на шоссе 1983-06-06
Movie Incident at Map-Grid 36-80 Vladimir Pavlov 1982-12-07
Movie Little Alexander Игорь Цветов, капитан 1981-06-06
Movie Morning Stars (w napisach: Borys Tokariew) 1980-02-08
Movie Частное лицо Николаенко 1980-11-15
Movie An Old-Fashioned Comedy Lidiya Vasilyevna's son (uncredited) 1980-02-11
Movie A Martian Arrived on An Autumn Night 1980-06-01
Movie Svítalo celou noc 1980-10-03
Movie The Grasshopper 1979-05-14
Movie Responsible for Everything 1979-10-06
Series Two Captains Sanya Grigoryev 1977-02-26
Movie We Didn't Learn This Yura 1976-01-05
Movie You Wrote to Me... 1976-10-02
Movie One Hundred Days After Childhood Mitya Lopuhin 1975-12-01
Movie If You Are a Man Pashka 1972-05-29
Movie The Hot Snow Николай Кузнецов, командир огневого взвода, лейтенант 1972-06-06
Movie The Dawns Here Are Quiet Осянин, пограничник-лейтенант, муж Риты 1972-06-06
Movie The Stolen Train Rubashkin 1971-04-15
Movie Морской характер 1970-10-13
Movie Prince Igor Prince Vladimir 1969-01-01
Movie Road to the Sea Tolya 1966-03-07
Movie Where Are You Now, Maxim? 1965-06-14
Movie The Blue Notebook 1963-01-01
Movie Introduction to Life 1962-05-06
Movie The Rescued Generation Viktor 1960-01-04
Movie The Grandpa and His Little Grandson (voice)[restoration 2001] 1950-06-05