Image of Mori Calliope

Mori Calliope

The Grim Reaper's first apprentice. Due to modern medical care causing a decline in the reaping business, Calliope decided to become a VTuber to harvest souls instead. It seems that the ascended souls of the people who are vaporized by the wholesome interactions between VTubers go to her as well. That being said, despite the image her hardcore vocals and manner of speech gives off, she's actually a gentle-hearted girl who cares greatly for her friends. Calliope Mori, officially listed as Mori Calliope (森カリオペ), is a reaper Virtual YouTuber who debuted as a member of the Hololive English -Myth-. Her fans and gen-mates often refer to her as Calli for short. Despite being a sweet-voiced girl with a gentle personality, Calli tends to talk about morbid topics with little hesitation. Her favorite color is red, she enjoys sweets and reaping souls, and she likes watching mafia movies and drinking red wine. Her given name, "Calliope," can be mistakenly read as "cantaloupe," a fruit she vehemently despises. (The correct pronunciation is "kuh-LAHY-uh-pee".) Despite living in the Underworld, Calli loves anime such as Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and Made in Abyss, and videogames such as Bloodborne and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Mori is a talented musician, her debut original song, "Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?", broke 100k views within the first day it was uploaded.

Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Sep 12, 2020
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Link Your Wish Day 2 2022-03-20
Latest Project:
Movie hololive 6th fes. Color Rise Harmony Day 2 Creators' Stage 2025-03-09
Known For
Poster of Capture the Moment Day 1 Stage 2
Poster of Splash Party! Night
Poster of hololive English 1st Concert - Connect the World
Poster of Our Bright Parade Day 2
Movie hololive 6th fes. Color Rise Harmony Day 2 Creators' Stage Self 2025-03-09
Movie hololive 6th fes. Color Rise Harmony Day 1 hololive Stage 2 Self 2025-03-08
Movie hololive English 2nd Concert - Breaking Dimensions Day 2 Self 2024-08-24
Movie Capture the Moment Day 1 Stage 2 Self 2024-03-16
Movie Hololive English 2nd Concert - Breaking Dimensions Day 1 Self 2024-08-24
Movie Our Bright Parade Day 2 Self 2023-03-19
Movie hololive English 1st Concert - Connect the World Herself - Myth 2023-07-02
Movie Splash Party! Night Self 2023-08-27
Movie Link Your Wish Day 2 Self 2022-03-20
Movie Mori Calliope Major Debut Concert “New Underworld Order” Herself 2022-07-21