Image of Dakota Runnels

Dakota Runnels

to Terri Boatright (aka Marlena) and Dustin Runnels (aka Goldust). Her parents divorced in 1999 when she was 5. Her mom married a life coach in 2002 when Dakota was 8, and they got divorced 2 months later. Terri then dated a soldier 15 years younger than her (Tyree Clowe) from 2003 to 2008. Born in 1966 this would mean Terri was 38-43, the soldiers was 23-28, and Dakota was 9-14. After breaking up with the soldier, Terri dated a (this time 3 years OLDER than her) wrestler named New Jack from 2009 to 2011, at which time Dakota was 15-17. After they broke up, New Jack started selling nude pictures of Terri and she managed to get a court order from a judge to halt him from doing that, and accused him of making libelous comments. I dunno if Terri has dated anyone since then.

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Jul 6, 1994 In Pelion, South Carolina, USA
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Raw 1993-01-11
Latest Project:
Movie Biography: Dusty Rhodes 2023-04-09
Known For
Poster of Biography: Dusty Rhodes
Poster of Raw
Movie Biography: Dusty Rhodes Self 2023-04-09
Series Raw Dakota Runnels 1993-01-11