Image of Éric Godon

Éric Godon

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Éric Godon. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 7, 1959 In Baudour, Belgium
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Sherlock Holmes vs. Frankenstein
Latest Project:
Series Doktrinen 2024-11-12
Known For
Poster of The Ardennes
Poster of Plein soleil
Poster of Pom, le poulain
Poster of The Intruder
Movie Sherlock Holmes vs. Frankenstein Johann Klein 2026
Movie Holy Mother Demetrio 2024-03-22
Movie Chasing Johnny Carbolet 2024-05-08
Series Last to Break Burek 2024-05-16
Series Doktrinen Sasja 2024-11-12
Movie Diary of Spices 2022-04-04
Series Son Of Rudy 2022-05-15
Movie Freaks Out Gus 2021-10-28
Movie Undergods Hans 2021-05-17
Movie Caliber 9 Gianni 2020-11-23
Movie Rebels Mr. Boniface, leader of the Belgian gang 2019-01-17
Movie Anna Vassiliev 2019-06-19
Movie Zerschunden - Ein Fall für Dr. Abel Mercier 2019-10-28
Movie Yummy Dr. K 2019-12-13
Movie The Most Assassinated Woman in the World Georges 2018-07-09
Movie The Young Karl Marx The foreman 2017-03-02
Movie Pilgrimage Baron de Merville 2017-04-23
Movie Control Concièrge 2017-10-25
Movie Suite Française Monsieur Joseph 2015-03-12
Movie Kidnapping Mr. Heineken Police Drop Off Driver 2015-03-12
Movie The Ardennes Gérard 2015-10-14
Movie Johnny Walker Jean 2015-05-13
Movie Plein soleil Haral Willems 2015-10-08
Movie Marie Curie, une femme sur le front Le Président Poincarré 2014-02-03
Movie Fishing Without Nets Captain Charlie 2014-07-30
Movie The Intruder Di Mateo 2014-10-23
Movie The Connection Gaëtan Zampa's lawyer 2014-12-03
Movie 10 jours en or Le marchand de sommeil 2012-01-11
Movie Nothing Sacred Hermes 2012-01-01
Movie Erased Maitland 2012-08-23
Movie Sex, Lies and Surgery Giuseppe Severini 2012-06-27
Movie Asylum Blackout The Pill Inmate 2012-05-04
Movie Second Chance Doctor Py 2011-01-05
Movie All Our Desires Gallois, un représentant des sociétés de crédit 2011-11-09
Movie En chantier, monsieur Tanner ! The notary 2010-03-15
Movie From Paris with Love Foreign Minister 2010-02-04
Movie Dominique The model agent 2010-09-27
Movie The Pack Jean-Jean 2010-09-29
Movie Cannibal 2010-10-01
Movie Nothing to Declare Chef Willems 2010-12-20
Movie Otages Delgado 2009-11-14
Movie The Vintner's Luck Father Lesy 2009-09-01
Movie In Bruges Yuri 2008-02-08
Movie Une chaîne pour deux Richard Arnoux 2008-10-08
Movie Trouble at Timpetill Le boucher Stettner 2008-12-17
Movie Vatanen's Hare Sam Bougreau 2006-12-27
Movie Stormforce Defence Minister 2006-01-01
Movie Pom, le poulain Chauffeur camion 2006-07-19
Movie The Intruder Victor Philips 2005-03-16