Image of Filip Schnack

Filip Schnack

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Jan 1, 2001
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The doctor says, I'll be alright but I'm feelin' blue
Latest Project:
Series Cassandra 2025-02-06
Known For
Poster of Cassandra
Poster of Disconnected
Poster of On the Brink
Poster of The doctor says, I'll be alright but I'm feelin' blue
Movie The doctor says, I'll be alright but I'm feelin' blue Fritz 2026
Series Cassandra Steve 2025-02-06
Movie The Three Investigators and The Carpathian Dog Skinny Norris 2025-01-23
Series Die Quellen des Bösen - Jagd nach dem Runenmörder Marc Bandow 2024-10-13
Movie Disconnected Lasse 2023-10-15
Movie On the Brink Ole 2023-09-03
Series Mordsschwestern - Verbrechen ist Familiensache Fred Braun 2022-09-02