Image of Eileen Tung Oi-Ling

Eileen Tung Oi-Ling

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Eileen Tung Oi-Ling. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Nov 23, 1972 In Taibei,Taiwan,China
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Ms Butterfly 1993-03-25
Latest Project:
Movie The First Girl I Loved 2021-11-25
Known For
Movie The First Girl I Loved 2021-11-25
Movie Delete My Love 2014-05-08
Movie Tales from the Dark 1 Ho's Wife (segment "A Word in the Palm") 2013-07-11
Movie Dancing Without You Unknown 2010-10-29
Movie Bright Future 2009-12-22
Movie Beauty and the 7 Beasts Seven 2007-09-25
Movie Marry a Rich Man Mr Yu's secretary 2002-02-07
Series 點解旅遊好好玩 2001-01-01
Series Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine 柴郡主 2001-05-05
Movie City of Angel 2000-01-27
Movie Gorgeous Elaine 1999-02-12
Movie Sunshine Cops Supt. Margarita So 1999-10-28
Series The Mad Phoenix 莉莉 1999-11-22
Movie Your Place or Mine! Fanny / Fonny 1998-09-25
Movie 97' Lan Kwai Fong 1997-05-02
Movie Ninth of September: The Cursed Day Florence / Yin-Ying 1996-10-26
Movie Man Wanted June Lok 1995-03-16
Movie Don't Give a Damn Anna 1995-02-17
Movie Doctor Mack Lok Mei 1995-02-17
Movie The Meaning of Life Jo Ngai 1995-04-27
Movie Heart of Killer Bin Yee 1995-11-10
Movie The Day that Doesn't Exist Mrs Jessica Shiu 1995-11-09
Series 唐太宗李世民 长孙无垢 1994-04-04
Movie The Most Wanted Lily 1994-05-12
Movie Fait Accompli Dr Cheng Lai-Ying 1994-12-22
Movie Over the Rainbow, Under the Skirt Chen Jian 1994-08-31
Movie Ms Butterfly Alda 1993-03-25