Image of Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina

Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
May 17, 1941
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Приятного аппетита 1961-09-18
Latest Project:
Series Secrets of Palace Coups 2000-01-01
Known For
Poster of Единственный мужчина
Poster of Tailcoat for an Idler
Poster of It's All About the Brother
Poster of Whistle Stop
Series Secrets of Palace Coups kamer-frau Kramer 2000-01-01
Movie The Princess and the Beans 1997-12-01
Movie I'm Free, I Belong to Nobody 1994-06-06
Movie 1000 Dollars One Way Zinaida Mikhaylovna - chlen zhensoveta 1991-12-01
Movie The Suicide тёща Подсекальникова Серафима Ильинична 1990-01-01
Movie The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants 1989-01-01
Movie Lingonberries in the Forest Tatyana 1989-10-01
Movie Svetik 1989-01-02
Movie Time to Fly пассажирка 1987-01-18
Movie Insult 1987-09-01
Movie Without Sun 1987-09-19
Movie Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers 1985-01-01
Series Protivostoyanie Petrova's neighbour 1985-11-10
Movie Pippi Longstocking 1984-06-06
Movie Pippi Longstocking Fru Laura 1984-04-29
Movie The Pokrovsky Gates Нина Орлович 1983-02-11
Movie Не было печали 1983-03-21
Movie Along Unknown Paths Кикимора Болотная 1982-05-15
Movie Солнечный ветер 1982-01-01
Movie It's Just Awful! English Teacher 1982-08-03
Movie The Voice Anna Viktorovna 1982-12-18
Movie Единственный мужчина 1981-01-02
Movie A Major Conversation 1981-09-01
Movie The Adventures of the Electronic Masha 1980-03-23
Series The Adventures of the Electronic Маша 1980-05-02
Movie A Comedy of Days Gone By 1980-12-29
Movie Tailcoat for an Idler 1979-08-28
Movie A Dog Was Walking on the Piano 1978-01-01
Movie The Captain's Daughter Palashka 1978-06-05
Movie Rasmus and the Tramp fröken Höök 1978-06-13
Movie Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov... Люся 1978-10-25
Movie It's All About the Brother 1977-11-14
Movie And We Had Silence... Antoinina Labutina 1977-12-01
Movie Расскажи мне о себе 1972-06-26
Movie Month August 1972-05-28
Movie Taimyr Calls You певица (нет в титрах) 1971-01-03
Movie A Minute of Silence Klava 1971-11-01
Movie Yesterday, Today and Always 1970-01-05
Movie Reckoning 1970-01-23
Movie A Step from the Roof 1970-08-31
Movie Про Клаву Иванову Tamara 1970-03-08
Movie Only Three Nights 1969-01-01
Movie To Love janitor 1968-01-29
Movie Adventures of a Dentist 1967-02-27
Movie The Ugly Story Bride 1966-10-10
Movie A Hard Day's Monday общественница 1964-06-06
Movie Whistle Stop Zoika the saleswoman 1963-11-24
Movie Чудак-человек секретарша Ирочка 1962-10-29
Movie Приятного аппетита посетительница ресторана 1961-09-18
Movie Sovershenno seryozno посетительница ресторана (новелла «Приятного аппетита») 1961-09-18