Image of Kate Butler

Kate Butler

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In Worcester - Massachusetts - USA
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Hero 1992-10-02
Latest Project:
Movie American Nightmares 2018-10-11
Known For
Poster of Shangri-La Suite
Poster of The Stanford Prison Experiment
Poster of Bridge to Terabithia
Poster of Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
Movie American Nightmares Betty 2018-10-11
Movie Spivak Mrs. Mulholland 2018-05-11
Movie Shock and Awe Nancy Walcott 2017-12-09
Movie Shangri-La Suite Karen's Mother 2016-10-28
Movie The Stanford Prison Experiment Mrs. Mitchell 2015-07-17
Movie 30 Days of Night Michelle Robbins 2007-10-17
Movie Bridge to Terabithia Mary Aarons 2007-02-15
Movie Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America Chief of Staff Jean Loos 2006-05-09
Movie Hero Makeup Artist 1992-10-02