Image of Anastasiya Zuyeva

Anastasiya Zuyeva

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Shining Path 1940-10-07
Latest Project:
Movie The Tale of Tsar Saltan 1984-01-01
Known For
Poster of A Hard Day's Monday
Poster of Sporting Honour
Poster of The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish
Poster of Fifth Ocean
Movie The Tale of Tsar Saltan Svatya baba Babarikha (voice) 1984-01-01
Movie Along Unknown Paths Глафира Андреевна, бабушка Мити 1982-05-15
Movie Big Boy 1982-08-01
Movie Dead Souls 1979-02-07
Movie Chekhov's Pages старуха 1977-10-27
Movie Golden Horns 1973-01-01
Movie Записки Пиквикского клуба 1972-01-01
Movie An Old Man and An Old Woman Got Married Авдотья Никитична 1971-01-01
Movie Barbara the Fair with the Silken Hair storyteller 1970-12-30
Movie Belated Flowers Prohorovna, matchmaker 1969-01-01
Movie Badgers 1968-03-01
Movie The Kremlin Chimes 1967-01-01
Movie There Is Such a Lad Марфа, кума 1966-01-04
Movie Father Frost Erzählerin 1965-03-24
Movie A Hard Day's Monday посудомойка 1964-06-06
Movie Loneliness Aksinya 1964-12-03
Movie Russkiy Suvenir Yegorkina 1960-06-27
Movie A Groom from the Right Society Anna Mikhaylovna, cashier 1958-09-22
Movie Case No. 306 свидетельница 1956-05-07
Movie Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka narrator (voice) 1953-01-31
Movie Magic Store Russian Dolls (voice) 1953-06-06
Movie The Miners of Donetsk Yevdokiya Prokhorovna 1951-05-16
Movie Sporting Honour Ekaterina Nikolaevna Grinko, mother of Vitaly and Tonya 1951-06-11
Movie The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish старуха 1950-12-31
Movie The Winner Privalova 1946-12-29
Movie Rodnye polya 1945-02-07
Movie The Shining Path Agrafena, the funny-looking weaver 1940-10-07
Movie Fifth Ocean 1940-11-15