Image of Vladimir Ermilov

Vladimir Ermilov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Vladimir Ermilov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 14, 1959 In USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Andrey Toboltsev 1915-11-09
Latest Project:
Movie Burnt by the Sun 2: Citadel 2011-05-05
Known For
Poster of Not Yet a Time for Sorrow
Poster of Drumroll
Poster of The Bride From Paris
Poster of Dude - Water Winner
Movie Burnt by the Sun 2: Citadel 2011-05-05
Movie Agitprop Team 'Kill the enemy!' 2007-12-07
Movie Срочный фрахт 2005-02-25
Movie Выход 2000-08-06
Series Empire is Under Attack Unknown 2000-10-05
Movie Spirit 1999-01-01
Movie The Fragile Thing 1999-11-10
Movie Shizofreniya 1997-06-06
Movie Brother Pavel Evgrafovich 1997-12-12
Movie Not Yet a Time for Sorrow 1995-04-20
Movie A Golden Ring, a Bouquet of Scarlet Roses 1994-04-13
Movie Drumroll 1993-01-01
Movie The Bride From Paris 1992-10-01
Movie Chekist 1992-09-15
Movie Comedy of the Strict Regime 1992-11-07
Movie Psychic 1991-01-01
Movie Dude - Water Winner 1991-11-29
Movie Shell 1990-09-12
Movie Andrey Toboltsev Old narodnik 1915-11-09