Image of Richard Machowicz

Richard Machowicz

Richard "Mack" Machowicz is best known as the host/producer of Discovery Channel's FutureWeapons and Weapons that Changed the World. He was also the host of Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior and History Channel's Ultimate Soldier Challenge. Mack offered his military and weapons expertise as a key contributor to two of History's mega-hit miniseries, America: The Story of Us and Mankind:The Story of All of Us. Machowicz was born in 1965 in Detroit, Michigan. According to his biography on the Discovery Channel's Web site, "he participated in numerous tactical operations with SEAL Team ONE and TWO. While operating at SEAL Team TWO, he was a Naval Special Warfare Scout/Sniper, as well as being attached to the training cadre as the Leading Petty Officer of Land, Mountain and Arctic Warfare." On January 2, 2017, aged 51, Machowicz died of brain cancer in Pearland, Texas. He was survived by his wife, Mandy Leggio Machowicz, two daughters, and his parents. His funeral mass was celebrated on January 6, 2017 at St. Helen Catholic Church, Pearland, Texas.

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May 30, 1965 In Detroit, Michigan, USA
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series FutureWeapons 2006-04-19
Latest Project:
Series America: The Story of Us 2010-04-25
Known For
Poster of America: The Story of Us
Poster of FutureWeapons
Series America: The Story of Us Self 2010-04-25
Movie Gamer Blue Soldier #1 2009-09-03
Series FutureWeapons Mack 2006-04-19