Image of Marie Bäumer

Marie Bäumer

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May 7, 1969
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Fünf Millionen und ein paar Zerquetschte 1994-01-01
Latest Project:
Movie 3 Days in Quiberon 2018-04-12
Known For
Poster of Zwei im Wilden Westen
Poster of Armin
Movie 3 Days in Quiberon Romy Schneider 2018-04-12
Movie Vacation from Life Caro 2017-09-17
Series Zwei im Wilden Westen Marie 2016-05-07
Series Gotthard Lina 2016-12-11
Series The Team Barbara Weiss 2015-02-22
Movie Brief an mein Leben Toni 2015-06-26
Movie In Harmony Alexandra 2015-04-15
Movie Intime Conviction Manon Villers 2014-02-14
Movie A Pact Anna 2013-09-19
Series Hotel Adlon Hedda Adlon 2013-01-06
Movie The Taste of Apple Seeds Inga 2013-09-26
Movie Der letzte Weynfeldt Lorena Steiner 2010-01-01
Movie The Day of the Cat Marie 2010-01-21
Movie Die Grenze Nadine Manz 2010-03-15
Series In the Face of Crime Stella 2010-04-27
Movie Sometime in August Hanna 2009-02-08
Movie Haus und Kind Lena Neubauer 2009-08-28
Movie 10 Sekunden Franziska 2008-10-02
Movie Alte Freunde Margret Dahm 2008-02-18
Movie Armin Gudrun 2007-02-09
Movie Muttis Liebling Eva Krupke 2007-05-02
Movie The Counterfeiters Aglaya 2007-03-22
Series Dresden Maria Goldberg 2006-03-05
Movie Swinger Club Karina 2006-09-21
Movie Waves Alice von Köhne-Jasky 2005-01-21
Movie Ein toter Bruder Annette 2005-07-08
Movie Secret Love: The Schoolboy and the Mailwoman Rosemarie Elling 2005-11-28
Movie Luisa Sanfelice Lady Emma Hamilton 2004-05-14
Movie Angst Marie 2003-02-14
Movie Adam & Eva Eva 2003-06-26
Series Nachtschicht Elsi Schramm 2003-03-24
Movie BAP - Ode to Cologne Sweets vendor 2002-03-07
Movie Poppitz Lena Schartl 2002-08-30
Series Napoleon Caroline Bonaparte 2002-10-07
Movie She Who Must Be Obeyed Roxane 2001-01-01
Movie Resurrection Missy 2001-12-26
Movie Manitou's Shoe Uschi 2001-07-11
Movie Neonnächte - Der U-Bahn-Schlitzer Beate Stein 2000-01-05
Movie Krieger und Liebhaber Milena 2000-07-12
Movie Latin Lover – Wilde Leidenschaft auf Mallorca Anna Glaser 1999-04-14
Movie König auf Mallorca Eva 1998-01-26
Series Der letzte Zeuge Johanna Sidor 1998-03-23
Movie Night Time Alexandra 1998-05-20
Movie Kalte Küsse Beate 'Bea' Stein 1997-05-09
Movie Männerpension Emilia Bauer 1996-01-31
Movie Das Schwein - Eine deutsche Karriere Rita Krüger 1995-03-19
Movie Fünf Millionen und ein paar Zerquetschte 1994-01-01