Image of Ben F. Wilson

Ben F. Wilson

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Jul 7, 1876 In Corning - Iowa - USA
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Out of the Deep 1912-05-03
Latest Project:
Movie China Slaver 1929-01-25
Known For
Movie Girls Who Dare Robert Randolf 1929-01-01
Movie China Slaver Sam Warren 1929-01-25
Movie Officer '444' Officer 444 1926-05-14
Movie Warrior Gap Capt. Deane 1925-01-02
Movie Two-Fisted Sheriff 1925-04-12
Movie The Desert Hawk Hollister (as Ben Wilson) 1924-10-25
Movie The Trail of the Octopus Carter Holmes 1919-10-19
Movie The Voice on the Wire John Shirley 1917-03-18
Movie Even as You and I Carrillo 1917-04-01
Movie Idle Wives Mr. Jamison 1916-09-16
Movie The Mainspring Lawrence Ashmore / Larry Craven 1916-11-27
Movie Rene Haggard Journeys On Rene Haggard 1915-05-06
Movie A Seashore Romeo Ben 1915-08-22
Movie The Brass Bowl 'Mad' Maitland / Dan Anisty 1914-03-27
Movie The Old Monk's Tale The Handsome Stranger (as Benjamin Wilson) 1913-02-15
Movie Hulda of Holland Heintz 1913-04-21
Movie In A Japanese Tea Garden The Tourists 2nd Beau 1913-02-24
Movie A Proposal from the Duke Captain Justin Bradford 1913-07-22
Movie The Doctor's Duty 1913-11-11
Movie Out of the Deep The Deep-Sea Diver 1912-05-03
Movie The Relief of Lucknow Reginald - the British Officer 1912-07-26
Movie The Charge of the Light Brigade Captain Morris 1912-12-11
Movie A Chase Across the Continent Henry Ernshaw - Alice's Fiancé 1912-11-23