Image of Shukhrat Irgashev

Shukhrat Irgashev

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Jun 19, 1945 In Tashkent, USSR (Uzbekistan)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Tenderness 1967-07-31
Latest Project:
Movie Without Fear 2026
Known For
Poster of Lovers. Film 2
Poster of Under the Guise of
Poster of The Constellation of Love
Poster of In the stremine of the frenzied river
Movie Without Fear 2026
Series Большое небо 2021-06-28
Movie Печать царя Соломона 2014-05-02
Movie Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Life 2013-10-30
Movie Запах вереска 2013-08-11
Series Следственный комитет Tashtimerov 2011-09-16
Movie Vysotsky: Thank God I'm Alive General KGB Israilov 2011-12-01
Series Sword Генадий Тимурович Муратов 2009-11-16
Series Officers 2 Рахматулло 2009-02-25
Movie Labyrinths of Love Александр Андреевич Литвинов 2008-08-08
Movie Nothing Personal Zimin's chief 2007-09-27
Movie Day Watch 2006-01-01
Movie The Bride Khazar 2006-12-10
Movie Lovers. Film 2 2004-04-14
Series Боец Гамид 2004-11-29
Movie The Great Turan 1995-05-01
Movie The Mafia Is Immortal Nang Lama 1993-01-01
Movie Reluctant Killer 1991-04-01
Movie Do It, Manya! 1991-07-05
Series Initial Data: Death Ядгар Шакиров - следователь 1991-07-24
Movie Under the Guise of "Black Cat" Ядгар Шакиров - следователь 1991-10-20
Movie Code of Silence Shamil 1990-11-08
Series Code of Silence. On the Dark Side of the Moon Shamil 1990-11-08
Movie Drums of Fire 1990-12-21
Movie Persecution 1989-10-01
Movie Apartment 1989-06-01
Movie Shock 1989-12-19
Movie Talking Spring 1986-06-01
Movie The Extra Arrives on the Second Path Вахидов 1986-11-09
Movie The Constellation of Love Muzaffar 1985-01-01
Movie The Fault of Leutenant Nekrasov Artom Kazaryan 1985-01-01
Movie The Last Inspection 1985-10-17
Movie Farewell, Summer Green 1985-10-25
Movie Password "Hotel Regina" 1984-06-11
Movie Rainbow of Seven Hopes Potter Nabi 1983-01-28
Movie Youth of a Genius 1983-06-13
Movie Meeting at high snows 1981-02-05
Movie Kamila 1980-01-01
Movie In the stremine of the frenzied river 1980-05-13
Movie Look Out, Snakes! Laborant 1979-12-01
Movie Birds of Our Hopes Shustik 1977-04-25
Movie That Was in Kokand Цигарелли 1977-02-09
Series This is Where the Border Goes инженер 1975-05-27
Movie Man Follows Birds 1975-10-03
Movie First Passengers 1975-06-24
Movie Main Day Турабек 1974-01-01
Movie This is Where the Border Goes 1973-05-28
Movie We're Waiting for You, Lad 1972-12-18
Movie Семург Prince Sherzod 1972-06-05
Movie Death of the Black Consul Kamal Ubaydulla 1971-03-15
Movie The Lovers Shukhrat 1970-01-02
Movie He Wasn't Alone 1970-12-14
Movie Apples of Forty-One Year 1970-02-23
Movie Tenderness Shukhrat 1967-07-31