Image of Kōki


Mitsuki Kimura (born February 5, 2003), known professionally as "Kōki,", is a Japanese model, songwriter and actress. Kōki, was born in Tokyo, Japan, to actor and singer Takuya Kimura and singer Shizuka Kudo.

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Feb 5, 2003 In Japan
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series The Private Detective Mike 2002-07-01
Latest Project:
Movie Tornado 2025-05-23
Known For
Movie True Beauty: Before Reina Tanikawa 2025-03-20
Movie True Beauty: After Reina Tanikawa 2025-05-01
Movie Tornado Tornado 2025-05-23
Movie Touch Miko (Young) 2024-05-29
Movie HUNTER X HUNTER THE STAGE Milluki Zoldyck / Buhara 2023-05-12
Movie Ox-Head Village Kanon / Shion 2022-02-18
Series The Private Detective Mike Unknown 2002-07-01