Image of Olesya Zheleznyak

Olesya Zheleznyak

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Nov 11, 1974 In Moscow, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Comrade Major
Latest Project:
Series Первокурсницы 2023-09-04
Known For
Series Comrade Major 2026
Movie To Be The Grandma 2023-02-09
Series Первокурсницы Анна Михайловна (мать Данилы) 2023-09-04
Movie Off the Rails Катерина Николаевна 2023-03-08
Movie Baba Yaga Saves The World Kikimora 2023-08-03
Movie Seagull 2023-08-15
Series 1703 Maya 2022-09-29
Movie Dads 2022-02-23
Movie Peek-a-boo 2021-12-10
Movie Milk adult woman 2021-09-23
Series Casanova Погосян 2020-11-09
Series #SittingAtHome Tatiyana Illinichna 2020-04-14
Movie Vasilisa The Lazy (voice) 2018-04-22
Movie Harvie and the Magic Museum 2017-08-31
Movie Lucky Case 2017-03-16
Movie The Day Before Соня Парамонова 2016-01-15
Movie The Wonderland Людмила Сергеевна (мать жениха) 2016-01-01
Movie Surgeon 2016-12-15
Series Pointe Shoes for Buns 2016-03-19
Movie Попугай Club 2014-05-17
Movie 8 First Dates Zinaida Ivanovna 2012-03-08
Movie The Nannies 2012-04-26
Movie White Moor or Intimate Stories about my Neighbors 2012-09-19
Movie And Here's What's Happening to Me Nastya 2012-12-09
Movie Jolly Fellows 2009-10-15
Movie Love and the City Pelageya 2009-03-05
Series The In-Laws 2008-12-28
Movie The In-Laws Larisa Bukhankina 2008-12-28
Movie Bomb for the Bride Nadya 2004-12-09
Movie I Planned to Escape 2004-05-19
Series Careful, Zadov! 2004-03-06
Series I Planned to Escape 2003-10-21
Movie Шут Балакирев Dunya, Balakirev's bride 2001-05-14
Movie Silver Lily of the Valley Zoya 2000-12-14
Movie Витрина 2000-12-25