Image of Aleksandr Karpov

Aleksandr Karpov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Aleksandr Karpov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 1, 1964 In Karaganda, Kazakh SSR, USSR, (now Kazakhstan)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Quiet Flows the Don 1957-10-26
Latest Project:
Movie A Fairy Tale for the Old 2022-10-13
Known For
Poster of Priklyucheniya soldata Ivana Chonkina
Poster of Law of Corruption
Poster of Jacked$
Movie A Fairy Tale for the Old 2022-10-13
Series Живая мина 2019-05-27
Movie Union of Salvation 2019-12-26
Movie The Guy from Our Cemetery старик 2015-09-03
Movie Forbidden Empire Panas 2014-01-30
Movie След саламандры следователь 2010-03-18
Movie Don't be born beautiful 2008-03-09
Movie Spartakiad: Local Warming 2008-12-12
Series Priklyucheniya soldata Ivana Chonkina Кузьма Гладышев 2007-12-23
Movie Great Love 2006-02-16
Movie Brezhnev референт 2005-03-28
Movie Law of Corruption Berdyaev 2005-09-15
Movie Jacked$ Body 1 2004-01-01
Series Taxist Khokhlov 2004-03-01
Movie Countdown Marchenko 2004-12-09
Movie Театральный роман 2003-05-14
Movie Russian Ark 2002-05-22
Movie House for the Rich NKVD officer 2000-07-01
Movie Ermak Богдан Брязга 1997-06-10
Movie New Year's Story Nikitich 1997-12-01
Series Ermak Bogdan Bryazga 1996-12-02
Movie Serious Game 1992-01-09
Movie Мир дому твоему 1987-02-27
Movie The Imaginary Invalid врач Пургон 1979-07-03
Series Long Miles of War 1976-05-04
Movie Long Miles of War 1976-05-04
Movie Blue Hares, or a Musical Journey 1974-01-21
Series Люди и манекены 1974-11-08
Movie There Is Such a Lad сторож автобазы 1966-01-04
Movie Journey into April 1964-04-06
Movie Тишина Сафонов 1961-05-08
Movie Foma Gordeyev Lup 1959-11-14
Movie Quiet Flows the Don granddad Grishaka 1957-10-26
Movie Miles of Fire 1957-11-01