Image of Aleksei Smirnov

Aleksei Smirnov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Aleksei Smirnov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 28, 1920 In Danilov, Yaroslavl Governorate, RSFSR [now Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia]
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie There Will Be No Leave Today 1959-05-09
Latest Project:
Movie The Frenchman 2019-10-31
Known For
Poster of Goal! Another Goal!
Poster of Three Fat Men
Poster of The Serf Actress
Poster of A Friend in Court Is Better...
Movie The Frenchman Viktor 2019-10-31
Movie Shepherd Yanka General 1976-01-02
Movie Circus in the Circus Hypnotist 1976-02-13
Movie Amazing Berendeev Artur Bragin 1976-08-23
Movie Change a Dog for a Train 1975-12-29
Movie Finest, the Brave Falcon Bath-attendant 1975-12-30
Movie Car, Violin and Blot the Dog музыкант на тубе, житель дома Фердыщенко, шашлычник-грузин. 1974-06-06
Movie A Star of the Screen 1974-09-09
Movie Golden Horns Kapytonich 1973-01-01
Movie Only Old Men Are Going to Battle Mechanic Makarych 1973-10-14
Movie The New Adventures of Doni and Mikki Лопух 1973-12-31
Movie Cipollino Chipollone 1973-12-30
Movie White Queen's Move Тимофей Крыжалов, незадачливый спаситель 1972-04-24
Movie A Circle Posetitel stolovoy s gazetoy 1972-12-20
Movie Spring Tale Бобыль 1971-08-30
Movie Where are you, Knights? 1971-12-30
Movie Хозяин Varlaam 1971-09-06
Movie The White Grand Piano 1969-06-30
Movie Not Under the Jurisdiction passenger 1969-08-25
Movie Save the Drowning Man Policeman 1968-06-01
Movie Суд 1968-01-01
Movie Gold watch 1968-05-27
Movie Seven Old Men and One Girl Масленников («старик», оперный певец) 1968-06-06
Movie Goal! Another Goal! Taxi driver 1968-06-13
Movie Through Fire, Water and... Brass Pipes Fireman 1968-12-12
Movie The Scouts Sigayev 1968-10-26
Movie The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik 1967-02-01
Movie 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin Sumasshedshyy 1967-01-23
Movie Эта твёрдая земля Kocherga 1967-01-01
Movie Give Me a Paw, My Friend! 1967-01-01
Movie They Were Known Only By Their Faces Bychkov 1967-02-06
Movie Aybolit-66 Пират, веселый слуга Бармалея 1967-04-19
Movie Wedding in Malinovka Бандит "Сметана" 1967-06-06
Movie Red, Blue, Green продавец игрушек 1967-05-01
Movie Three Fat Men 1966-06-06
Movie It Also Happens Apollon Chokaev 1966-01-24
Movie In the Town of S. господин с ананасом 1966-10-15
Movie Mercy Train 1965-02-22
Movie Returned Music 1965-04-20
Movie Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures Федя, «Напарник» / недовольный покупатель, «Операция «Ы» 1965-07-24
Movie The Sleeping Lion 1965-12-27
Movie A Hard Day's Monday повар в кафе-ресторане 1964-06-06
Movie The Bicycle Tamers Director velozavoda 1964-03-10
Movie A Tale of Don 1964-09-13
Movie Welcome, or No Trespassing завхоз 1964-10-09
Movie Two Sundays 1964-12-17
Movie Little Hare шумовик в театре 1964-12-01
Movie The Mandate 1963-01-01
Movie The Serf Actress singer 1963-11-02
Movie Strictly Business Bill Driscoll - Sam's partner (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief») 1963-05-27
Series Fuse 1962-06-04
Movie Mission 1962-06-04
Movie Striped Trip Knysh 1961-06-06
Movie Roman and Francesca Herr Fritz 1961-03-16
Movie Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka посол (озв. Иван Рыжов) 1961-12-15
Movie Hot Soul 1960-02-09
Movie Resurrection Nikiforov 1960-11-20
Movie There Will Be No Leave Today Vasili Makarovich 1959-05-09
Movie A Friend in Court Is Better... driver of the truck 1959-07-05