Image of Nicholas Bell

Nicholas Bell

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Nicholas Bell. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 17, 1958 In Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England, UK
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Father 1990-08-16
Latest Project:
Movie Elvis 2022-06-22
Known For
Poster of Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell
Poster of Newstopia
Poster of The Micallef P(r)ogram(me)
Movie Elvis Senator Eastland 2022-06-22
Series Secret Bridesmaids' Business Bill Cotterill 2019-09-29
Series The Bureau of Magical Things Sean Reegan 2018-07-08
Series Wanted Unknown 2016-02-09
Series The Ex-PM Sonny Moon 2015-10-14
Movie I, Frankenstein Carl Avery 2014-01-22
Movie Parer's War Bob Howes 2014-04-27
Series Upper Middle Bogan French Man 2013-08-15
Series Wentworth Dr. Foster 2013-05-01
Series Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell Unknown 2012-05-25
Movie Crawlspace Caesar 2012-05-01
Movie Jack Irish: Bad Debts Martin Scullin 2012-10-14
Movie Dangerous Remedy Dr. Troup 2012-11-04
Movie The First Interview Chevreul 2011-07-24
Series Sleuth 101 2010-02-12
Movie Don't Be Afraid of the Dark Psychiatrist 2010-11-06
Series Newstopia 2009-01-29
Series Dirt Game Nigel Hay 2009-04-19
Movie Monash: The Forgotten Anzac General Rawlinson 2008-11-11
Series Underbelly Colin 2008-02-13
Movie Noise Sen. Det. Noel Birchall 2007-05-03
Movie The Caterpillar Wish Father Caleb 2006-06-08
Movie Charlotte's Web Minister 2006-12-07
Movie Attack of the Sabretooth Niles 2005-07-14
Movie The Great Raid Duke 2005-08-12
Series The Surgeon Dr. Julian Sierson 2005-10-13
Movie Bad Eggs Wicks 2003-07-24
Movie Ned Kelly Richard Cook 2003-03-22
Movie Take Away Squire 2003-08-14
Movie The Magicians Reverend Thompson 2000-03-10
Movie Mission: Impossible II McCloy's Accountant 2000-05-24
Movie The Craic Derek Johnson 1999-04-29
Movie Backlands Archie Wilson 1999-09-10
Series The Micallef P(r)ogram(me) Unknown 1998-05-11
Movie Dark City Mr. Rain 1998-02-27
Series The Games 1998-08-17
Movie Chameleon Mozser 1998-10-22
Movie Dead Letter Office Kevin 1998-08-20
Series Stingers Det. Insp. Bill Hollister 1998-09-29
Movie Shine Ben Rosen 1996-08-15
Movie Hotel Sorrento Edwin 1995-04-20
Movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Zordon 1995-06-30
Movie Lucky Break Sophie's Doctor 1994-10-20
Movie Gross Misconduct Det. Matthews 1993-07-29
Movie Hunting Piggott 1991-10-31
Movie Father Paul Jamieson 1990-08-16