Image of Tamara Nosova

Tamara Nosova

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tamara Nosova. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Fall of Berlin 1950-01-21
Latest Project:
Movie A Boulevard Romance 1995-04-10
Known For
Poster of An Old Acquaintance
Poster of Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
Poster of New Adventures of Puss in Boots
Poster of The Inspector-General
Movie A Boulevard Romance 1995-04-10
Movie Dead Souls Korobochka 1984-11-19
Movie Secret of the Blackbirds mrs. Crump - cook 1983-11-21
Movie Vials 1975-07-13
Movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt! Donna Rosa d'Alvadorez 1975-12-26
Movie Бесстрашный атаман 1973-12-30
Movie In the Kingdom of Far Far Away 1970-07-01
Movie The Brothers Karamazov Марья Кондратьевна, соседка Ф. П. Карамазова, "невеста" Смердякова 1969-01-10
Movie An Old Acquaintance Тося Огурцова 1969-12-29
Movie Explosion After Midnight Galina Golubkina 1969-10-13
Movie Wedding in Malinovka Комариха 1967-06-06
Movie The Sleeping Lion 1965-12-27
Movie The Chairman Pasha's brother's bride 1964-12-28
Movie The Marriage of Balzaminov Ничкина, мать Капочки, сестра купца Неуеденова 1964-12-25
Movie Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors Тетушка Аксал (Aunt Sserac[Aunt Aksal]) 1963-05-05
Movie Kak rozhdayutsya tosty 1963-05-17
Movie Clear Skies girl at the factory 1961-05-20
Movie Special Approach 1959-08-08
Movie Black Sea Girl Pevitsa 1959-11-01
Movie Страницы былого 1958-04-29
Movie New Adventures of Puss in Boots Court Lady Dvulichie 1958-05-27
Movie The End of Chirva-Kozyr Параня 1957-09-23
Movie Guest from Kuban 1956-02-06
Movie Carnival Night Tosya Burigina 1956-12-29
Movie She Loves You Tamara 1956-06-06
Movie The Secret of Beauty 1955-07-18
Movie The Safety Match Akulina 1954-08-10
Movie The Inspector-General 1952-12-01
Movie Dream of a Cossack Anfisa 1951-07-09
Movie The Fall of Berlin 1950-01-21