Image of Hans Járay

Hans Járay

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Jun 24, 1906 In Wien, Austria
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Love of Jeanne Ney 1927-12-06
Latest Project:
Movie Fedora 1978-06-29
Known For
Poster of Unfinished Symphony
Poster of Lover Divine
Movie Fedora Count Sobryanski 1978-06-29
Series Arsène Lupin Baron Ordosczy 1971-03-18
Series Tage der Rache Power 1970-03-30
Movie Der Unbestechliche General 1968-01-01
Movie Frühlingsstimmen Rektor der Wiener Sängerknaben 1952-04-09
Movie Carnegie Hall Tony Salerno Sr. 1947-02-28
Movie Lydia Frank Andre 1941-09-18
Movie Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld Peter Hell, Pfarrer von Kirchfeld 1937-11-18
Movie Fräulein Lilli Fredy Scott 1936-01-01
Movie Hoheit tanzt Walzer Josef Langer 1935-12-25
Movie Last Love Walter 1935-02-27
Movie Ball at the Savoy Baron André von Wollheim 1935-04-11
Movie Affairs of Maupassant Guy de Maupassant 1935-10-03
Movie Unfinished Symphony Franz Schubert 1934-08-23
Movie Peter Doktor Robert Bandler 1934-12-19
Movie Lover Divine Franz Schubert 1933-09-20
Movie Kaiserliebchen Veilchen 1931-01-12
Movie The Love of Jeanne Ney Emile Poitras 1927-12-06