Image of Aleksandr Solovyov

Aleksandr Solovyov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Aleksandr Solovyov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Sep 24, 1972 In Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The City of First Love 1970-01-27
Latest Project:
Movie Хроника «Ада» 2010-01-14
Known For
Poster of At the edge of the sword
Poster of Пропал Петя-петушок
Poster of K svoim!
Poster of Father Had Three Sons
Movie Хроника «Ада» Соловей 2010-01-14
Movie Moscow Gigolo 2008-02-14
Movie Second Wind 2008-06-06
Movie Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor 2008-04-17
Movie The Route Feliks 2007-01-01
Movie Graffiti 2006-10-30
Movie Bastards 2006-02-02
Series Ландыш серебристый 2 милиционер 2005-01-11
Movie The First After God 2005-11-03
Movie Удар Лотоса 3: Загадка Сфинкса 2003-01-01
Movie Удар Лотоса 2: Сладкая горечь полыни 2002-01-01
Movie Lotus Strike 2001-01-01
Movie An Emigrant, or a Beard With Glasses and A Warthog Почтальон 2001-12-03
Movie Спасатели. Затмение Андрей 2000-01-01
Movie All the Things We Dreamt of for So Long 1997-05-08
Movie Я сама Сека Нестеров 1993-08-09
Movie Arbiter The Arbiter 1992-01-01
Movie Thunder Over Rus' 1992-02-03
Movie A Child by November Vladimir Petrovich (emergency doctor) 1992-10-30
Movie Ooh, Train Robbery «Zhorych» 1991-11-10
Movie And to Hell with Us! 1991-02-02
Movie Tanks Are Running on Taganka "Ygrek", aka Kostya 1991-12-01
Movie Tell Me, Jupiter!.. 1989-01-01
Movie Jackals 1989-05-22
Movie Women's Club 1987-01-01
Movie Broken Circle Клёнов (главный технолог фабрики) 1987-05-22
Movie Пропал Петя-петушок The Frog (voice) 1986-01-01
Movie Boris Godunov Grigori Otrepyev 1986-05-01
Movie At the edge of the sword 1986-08-31
Movie Sudden Release 1984-04-16
Movie K svoim! Валера Иванов 1983-05-10
Series Зелёный фургон «Красавчик», бывший рыбак, конокрад 1983-12-28
Movie The Green Van Красавчик 1983-12-28
Movie Exuberant Terek 1981-05-06
Movie Ladies Invite Gentlemen blonde man 1981-05-30
Movie Father Had Three Sons 1981-06-02
Movie На Гранатовых островах 1981-10-29
Movie Adam Marries Eve Adam 1980-01-01
Movie Лес 1980-12-31
Movie Today and Tomorrow Павел Бажутин 1980-03-03
Movie Father Frost and the Grey Wolf (voice) 1978-01-01
Movie Эквилибрист Юрий Осташенко 1976-01-01
Movie The City of First Love Teenager 1970-01-27