Image of Viktor Stepanov

Viktor Stepanov

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Viktor Stepanov. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Miles of Fire 1957-11-01
Latest Project:
Movie 1993 2023-09-21
Known For
Poster of A Story of the Spring Draft
Poster of Purgatory
Poster of Dead End
Poster of Oxygen Starvation
Movie 1993 2023-09-21
Movie Aurora 2006-11-30
Series Polka Dot Sky 2004-03-01
Movie Forest Guard governor 2004-05-13
Movie White Gold Larion 2003-01-01
Movie A Story of the Spring Draft 2003-09-22
Movie The Charge Хромов 2003-02-20
Movie Vovochka 2002-01-14
Movie Evenings on a Farm Near Dykanka Patsiuk 2001-12-31
Series Bourgeois's Birthday Givi 2000-02-22
Movie Антология приколов 2000-01-01
Movie Шуб - баба Люба! 2000-07-08
Movie The Undefeated 2000-11-13
Movie Check 2000-12-12
Movie Dead End Иван Иванович,полковник, следователь 1998-01-18
Movie Purgatory Captain Suvorov 1998-03-23
Movie The Outskirts The Man in the cabinet 1998-10-04
Movie Shizofreniya 1997-06-06
Movie Ermak Ермак Тимофеевич 1997-06-10
Movie Tsarevich Aleksey Petr I, 'Peter the Great' 1996-05-23
Series Ermak Yermak 1996-12-02
Series Racket Viktor Panteleev 1995-05-22
Movie Wolfblood 1995-08-24
Movie Varenyi's Last Job Varenyi 1994-06-06
Movie Operation "Lucifer" 1993-04-13
Movie A Gun with silencer 1993-01-01
Movie Rytsar Kennet 1993-01-01
Movie Good Luck, Gentlemen! 1993-03-02
Movie Richard the Lionheart 1992-01-01
Movie Gongofer Zarubin 1992-01-01
Movie Thunder Over Rus' 1992-02-03
Movie Рэкет 1992-01-01
Movie Oxygen Starvation 1992-11-10
Movie To See Paris and Die 1992-06-06
Movie Orlando Russian Ambassador 1992-12-11
Movie The Dream of Russia Yakov Nevidimov 1992-06-25
Movie Тайна виллы 1991-01-01
Movie Socrates 1991-01-01
Movie Chocolate Riot 1991-06-01
Movie The Bay of Death Podpolkovnik Donets 1991-06-10
Movie Tango of Death 1991-11-06
Movie Za posledney chertoy 1991-07-09
Movie Swarm 1990-02-24
Movie Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout 1990-01-01
Movie The Shore of Salvation Father Fyodor 1990-02-08
Series War in the Western Direction командир мехкорпуса, генерал-майор Фёдор Ксенофонтович Чумаков 1990-06-17
Movie Jokes Predsedatel 1990-08-05
Movie Déjà vu Петро Мусиевич Кривонощенко 1990-07-01
Movie Delusion 1989-01-01
Movie Wagon-Lit Stalin 1989-08-14
Movie The Stairway скульптор Кирилл 1989-11-11
Movie Cyrano de Bergerac Карбон - капитан гвардейцев 1989-10-01
Movie The Cold Summer of 1953 policeman Mankov 1988-12-03
Movie Special Forces Squad генерал фон Ильген 1987-12-20
Movie Prohindiada or running on the spot мужчина на похоронах 1984-04-05
Series Mikhaylo Lomonosov Михайло Ломоносов 1984-11-11
Movie Fuss of the Fusses 1979-10-29
Movie Border Silence Егоркин 1966-03-29
Movie Водяной Village boy 1962-01-08
Movie Miles of Fire Proshka 1957-11-01