Image of Larisa Udovichenko

Larisa Udovichenko

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Apr 29, 1955
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie A Man Changes its Skin 1960-05-30
Latest Project:
Series Эффект домино 2023-06-01
Known For
Poster of Kidnapping, Caucasian Style
Poster of Impotent
Poster of Tartuffe
Poster of Inspector Losev
Series Эффект домино 2023-06-01
Series Peace! Friendship! Chewing gum! Anna Filippovna 2020-04-23
Series Спасская Инесса Аркадьевна 2020-09-28
Movie Happiness Is... Part 2 2019-04-01
Series MosGaz. Delo N6: Formula mesti 2019-10-21
Series Сувенир из Одессы Ліза Вольска (у зрілому віці) 2018-03-19
Movie Van Goghs Svetlana 2018-06-05
Series Na kachelyakh sudby Zinaida 2018-09-09
Series MosGaz. Delo N5: Operatsiya "Satana" 2018-10-01
Movie Love Pret-a-porte Olga's mother 2017-03-16
Movie Kidnapping, Caucasian Style Doctor 2014-08-21
Movie Мексиканский вояж Степаныча хозяйка туристической компании 2013-03-06
Movie We Are Family Topeshko 2012-01-05
Movie Откуда берутся дети? 2008-04-01
Movie The return of the prodigal husband 2007-08-12
Movie Loser Svetlana 2007-12-27
Movie Life is full of fun Лира Валентиновна 2002-03-17
Movie Northern Lights Ирина 2001-10-04
Series Memories of Sherlock Holmes Mrs. Conan Doyle 2000-04-03
Movie Animal Wars (voice) 2000-01-01
Movie Шуб - баба Люба! 2000-07-08
Movie The Envy of Gods Irina 2000-10-15
Movie Love in Russian 3: Governor Татьяна 1999-01-14
Movie Love Is Evil Korabelnikov's mother 1999-02-28
Movie Barkhanov and His Bodyguard 1996-03-22
Movie Impotent 1996-01-01
Movie A Man for a Young Girl 1996-07-03
Movie Love in Russian 2 Татьяна 1996-11-18
Movie Winter Cherry 3 1995-01-01
Movie What a Wonderful Game 1995-05-15
Movie Love in Russian Татьяна 1995-03-20
Movie To Whom Will God Send Marina Rodionova 1994-01-01
Movie Wild Love 1993-06-01
Movie Four sheets of plywood 1992-01-02
Movie Tartuffe Эльмира 1992-01-01
Movie Ubiystvo v Sanshayn-Menor Lucia Sparrow 1992-06-06
Movie Waltz of Golden Taurusus 1992-02-19
Movie Oysters from Lausanne 1992-06-06
Movie A Child by November Nadia (girlfriend Dasha) 1992-10-30
Movie The Groom from Miami 1992-07-01
Movie And to Hell with Us! 1991-02-02
Movie Everything is Ahead 1991-07-01
Movie Swamp Street, or the Cure Against Sex 1991-01-14
Movie Death Line элитная проститутка по вызову Нонна 1991-01-01
Movie Sons of Bitches Tatyana 1991-07-08
Movie The Idiot Dominik Borever 1991-12-10
Movie Woman for Everyone 1991-12-01
Movie Auto Stop 1991-08-01
Movie Dogs' Feast 1990-01-01
Movie Допинг для ангелов Auditor Wife 1990-01-01
Movie Winter Cherries 2 1990-08-16
Movie Entrance to Labyrinth Olga Panafidina 1990-05-01
Movie The Amorous Crow The crow (voice) 1988-04-22
Movie We're Sitting Good! Ляля 1986-01-07
Movie Who Will Enter the Last Carriage?.. Inna Sorokina, maternity hospital nurse 1986-02-16
Movie A Million in a Wedding Basket Ilona 1985-06-06
Movie Trips on an Old Car Liliya 1985-06-06
Movie Sincerely Yours... Lyusya 1985-09-16
Movie Dangerous for Your Life! Katerina Molodtsova 1985-08-12
Movie Valentin and Valentina Zhenya 1985-12-12
Movie The Most Charming and Attractive Vinogradova 1985-11-10
Movie Winter Cherries Valya 1985-10-21
Movie Success Alla Saburova 1984-06-06
Movie Dead Souls Manilov's wife 1984-11-19
Movie Mary Poppins, Goodbye Mrs. Banks 1983-06-06
Movie Love for Love 1983-07-11
Movie Streak of Luck 1983-01-01
Movie Teenager 1983-11-15
Movie Inspector Losev 1983-11-11
Series Inspector Losev Galina Kocherga 1983-11-11
Series Человек меняет кожу Маша Полозова 1982-02-08
Movie Married Bachelor Tamara 1982-04-30
Movie Facts of the Past Day Nelya 1981-11-15
Movie Little Tragedies Луиза/возлюбленная Альбера 1980-06-30
Series Little Tragedies Луиза - возлюбленная Альбера 1980-07-01
Movie Valentina Зинаида Кашкина, аптекарша 1980-06-06
Movie Investigation 1980-12-28
Movie People in the Ocean 1980-10-30
Movie Shot In The Back Ирина Перова, жена Олега Перова 1980-11-10
Movie The Bat Adele 1979-03-04
Movie Pena Альбина, подруга Викторины Махониной 1979-10-01
Series The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed Manka "Obligatsiya" 1979-11-11
Movie The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed Manka "Obligation" 1979-11-11
Movie He's All That Людмила Гасилова 1978-03-24
Movie Перед экзаменом 1978-05-03
Movie Tactics of Long-Distance Running Vera Yartseva 1978-06-01
Movie Daisy Petal Game Lady (segment "Tattoo") 1978-09-11
Movie Golden Mine Lebedeva 1977-06-06
Movie Townspeople 1976-02-09
Movie Always With Me 1976-06-06
Movie Трын-трава невеста 1976-10-15
Movie The Red and the Black Amanda Binet 1976-06-23
Movie Daughters-Mothers Galya 1975-03-27
Movie Yulka 1972-12-28
Movie Happy Kukushkin Людмила 1970-01-01
Movie A Man Changes its Skin Masha Polozova 1960-05-30