Image of Oleg Khatyushenko

Oleg Khatyushenko

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Apr 19, 1962 In USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Shizofreniya 1997-06-06
Latest Project:
Movie Countdown 2006-11-02
Known For
Poster of Peculiarities of the National Politics
Poster of Check
Poster of Tender Age
Poster of An Unfamiliar Weapon, or Crusader 2
Movie Countdown 2006-11-02
Movie Piranha Hunt 2006-04-06
Movie Peculiarities of the National Politics 2003-01-01
Movie Tender Age эпизод 2000-06-06
Movie Check 2000-12-12
Movie Country of the Deaf 1998-04-06
Movie An Unfamiliar Weapon, or Crusader 2 1998-01-01
Movie Shizofreniya 1997-06-06