Image of Vladimir Nikiforov

Vladimir Nikiforov

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Jul 20, 1966 In Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game 1987-01-19
Latest Project:
Movie Crack 2011-01-27
Known For
Poster of Pelagia and The White Bulldog
Poster of The Brothers Karamazov
Poster of Russians
Poster of Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
Movie Crack 2011-01-27
Series The Brothers Karamazov Ispanskiy dvoryanin 2009-05-27
Series Pelagia and The White Bulldog Келейник 2009-09-14
Movie Russians Voin 2008-08-07
Movie Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game young guy 1987-01-19