Image of Aleksandr Kalyagin

Aleksandr Kalyagin

Aleksandr A. Kalyagin (born 25 May 1942) is a Soviet/Russian actor and director, member of the Public Chamber of Russia, People's Artist of Russia (1983), Laureate of the State Prizes for his works in the theatre and the cinema. He is best known for his roles in the films Hello, I'm Your Aunt! (1975) and Dead Souls (1984).

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May 25, 1942
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Lights 1968-01-01
Latest Project:
Series Новые приключения кота Леопольда 2016-01-01
Known For
Poster of Новые приключения кота Леопольда
Poster of Leopold the Cat
Poster of Every day of Dr. Kalinnikova
Poster of Rabbit reserve
Series Новые приключения кота Леопольда 2016-01-01
Movie Новые приключения кота Леопольда. Лавина с гор 2015-01-01
Movie Gogol the Bird 2009-03-30
Movie Rud and Sam Сэм 2007-11-29
Movie Boulevard Binding 2003-08-01
Movie Lady for One Day Judge 2002-06-06
Movie Прохиндиада 2 San Sanych Lubomudrov 1994-01-02
Movie The Children of Iron Gods 1993-04-16
Movie Ivan & Abraham Mardoche 1993-05-26
Movie Игроки XXI 1992-02-18
Movie The Key 1992-07-01
Movie How Is It Going, Crucians? Человечек, глава преступной организации 1991-01-01
Movie Vaska 1989-01-01
Movie Tartuffe 1989-09-18
Movie Comedy of Lysistrata 1989-06-09
Series The Life of Klim Samgin Ivan Mitrofanov 1988-03-28
Series Press Center Solomon Shor 1988-12-19
Movie Another Life Fariz Amirovich Rzayev 1987-02-16
Movie Leopold the Cat's Car Леопольд 1987-06-06
Movie Kreutzer Sonata 1987-07-22
Movie The Last Road 1986-09-26
Movie Goldfish 1985-02-12
Movie Кот Леопольд во сне и наяву Leopold (voice) 1984-01-01
Movie Park Gena 1984-01-30
Movie Dead Souls Chichikov 1984-11-19
Movie Prohindiada or running on the spot Сан Саныч Любомудров 1984-04-05
Movie Koe-chto iz Gubernskoy Zhizni 1983-12-29
Movie День рождения Леопольда Леопольд 1982-01-01
Movie The Treasure of the Cat Leopold Леопольд 1981-01-01
Movie Телевизор кота Леопольда Леопольд 1981-01-01
Movie Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin narrator (voice) 1981-09-01
Movie And I'm With You Again... 1981-01-01
Movie Esop Esop 1981-01-01
Movie A Fairy Tale Told at Night Michel 1981-08-30
Movie In Front of a Closed Door Dashdemirov 1981-07-25
Movie Adam Marries Eve 1980-01-01
Movie The Appointment 1980-05-31
Movie The Old New Year Пётр Полуорлов 1980-12-18
Movie Snapshot Around the Family Table Filip Halunga 1980-06-30
Movie Верой и правдой 1979-01-01
Movie Tale of Tales Little Grey Wolf (voice) 1979-01-05
Movie Interrogation Seyfi Ganiyev 1979-02-18
Movie Ordinary Children Igor Vladimirovich, Olya's father, surgeon 1978-06-03
Movie Confusion of Feelings Виктор Семёнович 1978-07-31
Series The Doll Suzin 1978-09-17
Movie Players 1978-08-10
Series The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce Schwartzman - producer 1977-02-07
Movie Wounded Game Denis Kuskov 1977-06-20
Movie В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах) Н.П. Чередниченко (новела «Большая любовь Н.П. Чередниченко») 1977-10-20
Movie An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano Mikhail Vassilyevich Platonov 1977-09-05
Movie Заседание парткома Григорий Фроловский (старший диспетчер) 1977-10-29
Movie Vesnukhin's Fantasies Principal 1976-09-01
Movie Jarosław Dąbrowski Colonel Tucholko 1976-01-26
Movie A Slave of Love Kalyagin 1976-09-27
Movie The Princess and the Pea Second King 1976-11-01
Series Leopold the Cat 1975-03-12
Movie The Little Animals of Anthony van Leeuwenhoek Левенгук 1975-08-17
Movie Taste of Khalva главный повар эмира 1975-08-30
Movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt! Babbs Baberley 1975-12-26
Movie Long-Haired Wonder 1974-06-06
Movie Night of the Mistakes 1974-01-01
Movie Every day of Dr. Kalinnikova Sergei Petrovich Krasik 1974-06-10
Movie At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own Ванюкин 1974-11-11
Movie Rabbit reserve 1973-01-01
Movie Детство. Отрочество. Юность 1973-01-01
Movie A Man Before His Time Nikon Bukeyev 1973-01-15
Movie Black Prince Даниил Бийчук «Даник» 1973-06-25
Movie Записки Пиквикского клуба 1972-01-01
Movie The Fifteenth Spring Astakhov 1971-05-10
Movie Justification Paganini 1969-01-01
Movie Lights Shurka 1968-01-01
Movie Unfinished Symphony Франц Шуберт 1968-10-31