Image of Aleksey Eybozhenko

Aleksey Eybozhenko

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Feb 6, 1934 In Москва, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Third Time 1963-04-11
Latest Project:
Movie Tales of Belkin. Shot 1981-08-17
Known For
Poster of На всю оставшуюся жизнь
Poster of An Hour Before Dawn
Poster of Thousand Windows
Poster of Man Without a Passport
Movie General Shubnikov's Corps 1981-02-27
Movie Tales of Belkin. Shot Belkin 1981-08-17
Series Выгодный контракт полковник милиции, зам. начальника УВД Осинцев Николай Михайлович 1980-06-17
Movie The Fight in the Taiga 1978-06-05
Movie Fourth Height раненый военный 1977-01-01
Movie The Liberation of Prague 1977-05-06
Movie Trust Viktor Krylenko 1976-08-20
Movie На всю оставшуюся жизнь 1975-06-15
Movie Детство. Отрочество. Юность 1973-01-01
Movie An Hour Before Dawn 1973-01-01
Movie Courtesy Call Theatre Director Viktor Aleksandrovich 1973-12-03
Movie Тайник у красных камней Бахин, майор 1973-03-19
Movie The Road to Rübezahl 'Ded' 1971-07-26
Movie Commandant of Lauterburg 1969-05-01
Movie I Was Nineteen 1968-02-01
Movie To Love guy at party 1968-01-29
Movie Badgers 1968-03-01
Movie Thousand Windows Sergei 1968-06-01
Movie Rebellious Outpost 1967-11-06
Movie Man Without a Passport Константин Лежнев, лейтенант 1966-08-14
Movie Lebedev vs. Lebedev Valka Smirnov 1965-11-06
Movie Third Time Lemeshko 1963-04-11