Image of Geneviève Brouillette

Geneviève Brouillette

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Geneviève Brouillette. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 23, 1969 In St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Montreal Stories 1991-11-08
Latest Project:
Series Imparfaite 2023-05-23
Known For
Poster of Apparences
Poster of Thrill of the Hills
Poster of Génial!
Poster of The Countess of Baton Rouge
Series Imparfaite 2023-05-23
Movie The Sticky Side of Baklava Émilie 2021-09-03
Series 5e Rang Mireille 2019-01-08
Movie Poor Georges Irène, l'infirmière 2019-07-03
Movie The People Garden Isabelle 2016-05-10
Series District 31 Gabrielle Simard 2016-09-12
Series Conseils de famille Catherine 2016-09-29
Series Apparences Nathalie Bérubé 2012-01-10
Movie L'Affaire Dumont Me Nathalie Duperron-Roy 2012-09-12
Movie Funkytown Mimi 2011-03-04
Movie Thrill of the Hills Céline 2011-04-15
Series Toute la vérité Lisanne Hébert 2010-02-01
Series Génial! Herself 2010-09-09
Movie A Sunday in Kigali Madame la Consule 2006-03-03
Movie The United States of Albert Gladys 2005-04-08
Movie Miss Météo Tina Charest 2005-10-09
Movie Father and Sons 2003-05-16
Movie Silver Rivers Self 2002-10-01
Movie Wedding Night Florence 2001-06-01
Movie You Can Thank Me Later Nurse 1998-05-23
Movie The Countess of Baton Rouge Paula Paul de Nerval 1997-09-17
Movie Black List Gabrielle Angers 1995-09-23
Movie Montreal Stories Sylvie 1991-11-08